How to Eat (And Still Lose Weight)

A Science-backed Guide to Nutrition and Health
Publisher: Penguin Life
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Long description:

Most diets fail because they rely on willpower alone. In this book surgeon and expert on metabolism Dr Andrew Jenkinson shows you how to unlock the secret to lasting weight loss through a better understanding of your brain, body and environment, allowing you to eat well and lose weight, forever.

Using a combination of cutting-edge metabolic science, together with strategies like aversion, habit creation and mental reprogramming, expert in the science of appetite Dr Andrew Jenkinson will show you how your body and brain work when it comes to what you eat, and how to arm yourself against the malicious presence of food marketing, junk food and the harmful effects of the Western diet.

You will learn:
? Why exercise is of secondary importance to energy balance
? How we can learn to 'crave surf', being more mindful of hunger cravings when they arise
? How junk foods affect our brains, influencing our behaviour and creating bad habits
? How to maintain a good metabolic rate when losing weight
? The science behind popular weight loss techniques and why they work, including hot water and lemon; raw foods; time restricted eating; keto diets and high intensity training

Filled with science-backed tips and techniques, this book will help you implement lasting changes, eat well and feel good.