A termék adatai:
ISBN13: | 9781584882305 |
ISBN10: | 1584882301 |
Kötéstípus: | Keménykötés |
Terjedelem: | 304 oldal |
Méret: | 234x156 mm |
Súly: | 720 g |
Nyelv: | angol |
Illusztrációk: | 150 Illustrations, black & white; 1 Halftones, black & white; 1 Tables, black & white |
0 |
A matematika általános kérdései
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A matematika általános kérdései (karitatív célú kampány)
Alkalmazott matematika (karitatív célú kampány)
Matematika a mérnöki- és természettudományok területén (karitatív célú kampány)
A biológia általános kérdései (karitatív célú kampány)
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A fizika általános kérdései (karitatív célú kampány)
További műszaki könyvek (karitatív célú kampány)
The Mathematics of Thermal Modeling
An Introduction to the Theory of Laser Material Processing
Kiadás sorszáma: 1
Kiadó: Chapman and Hall
Megjelenés dátuma: 2001. május 24.
Normál ár:
Kiadói listaár:
GBP 175.00
GBP 175.00
Az Ön ára:
82 688 (78 750 Ft + 5% áfa )
Kedvezmény(ek): 10% (kb. 9 188 Ft)
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Rövid leírás:
This book introduces the mathematics needed to formulate and exploit the physical principles important to modelling various aspects of laser material processing. The author shows readers how to gain insight from the construction of simple models and how these methods can be applied to laser welding, surface treatment, drilling, and cutting. He demonstrates that simple mathematical investigation, primarily analytical methods backed up by relatively simple numerical methods, can greatly illuminate the processes being studied. Written at a level accessible to graduate students, the treatment includes numerous examples and frequent references to standard texts.
Hosszú leírás:
The use of lasers for various applications in materials processing has grown rapidly in recent years. Lasers are by nature particularly well suited to automation, but to ensure repeatability and reliability, the engineers employing them must not simply rely on numerical analysis software. They must have a firm grasp on the physical principles involved.
Mathematics of Thermal Modelling: An Introduction to the Theory of Laser Material Processing introduces the mathematics needed to formulate and exploit the physical principles important to modelling various aspects of laser material processing. The author shows how to gain insight by constructing and analyzing simple models. He demonstrates how to extract qualitative information from the models, how the underlying principles can be extended to more complex modelling, and how these principles can be applied to processes such as laser welding, surface treatment, drilling, and cutting.
Written at a level accessible to graduate students, this book shows that simple mathematical investigation-- based primarily on analytical methods backed by relatively simple numerical methods--can greatly illuminate the processes being studied. Regardless of the stage of your career development, if you are confronting the modelling of thermal process in this field for the first time, Mathematics of Thermal Modelling will build the foundation you need.
Mathematics of Thermal Modelling: An Introduction to the Theory of Laser Material Processing introduces the mathematics needed to formulate and exploit the physical principles important to modelling various aspects of laser material processing. The author shows how to gain insight by constructing and analyzing simple models. He demonstrates how to extract qualitative information from the models, how the underlying principles can be extended to more complex modelling, and how these principles can be applied to processes such as laser welding, surface treatment, drilling, and cutting.
Written at a level accessible to graduate students, this book shows that simple mathematical investigation-- based primarily on analytical methods backed by relatively simple numerical methods--can greatly illuminate the processes being studied. Regardless of the stage of your career development, if you are confronting the modelling of thermal process in this field for the first time, Mathematics of Thermal Modelling will build the foundation you need.
Thermal Modeling. Physical Principles. The Temperature in Blocks and Plates. Time Dependent Solutions in Blocks. Moving Boundary Problems. Simple Models of Laser Keyhole Welding. The Fluid Regions in Keyhole Welding.
Thermo-Elastic Problems.
Thermo-Elastic Problems.