The History and Allure of Interactive Visual Novels

Kiadó: Bloomsbury Academic
Megjelenés dátuma:
Kötetek száma: Hardback
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Kiadói listaár:
GBP 90.00
Becsült forint ár:
43 470 Ft (41 400 Ft + 5% áfa)
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Az Ön ára:

34 776 (33 120 Ft + 5% áfa )
Kedvezmény(ek): 20% (kb. 8 694 Ft)
A kedvezmény érvényes eddig: 2024. június 30.
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Hosszú leírás:
Visual novels (VNs), a ludic video game genre that pairs textual fiction stories with anime-like images and varying degrees of interactivity, have increased in popularity among Western audiences in recent years. Despite originating in Japan, these stories have made their way into global culture as a genre accessible for both play and creation with wide-ranging themes from horror and loneliness to sexuality.

The History and Allure of Interactive Visual Novels begins with a comprehensive overview of the visual novel genre and the cultural evolution that led to its rise, then explains the tropes and appeal of subgenres like bishojo (cute girl games), detective games, horror, and eroge (erotic games). Finally, the book explores the future of the genre in both user-generated games and games from other genres that liberally borrow both narrative and ludological themes from visual novels.

Whether you're a long-standing fan of the genre or a newcomer looking for a fresh experience, The History and Allure of Interactive Visual Novels will provide an accessible and critically engaging overview of a genre that is rich in storytelling yet often overlooked.