The Global Rise of Authoritarianism in the 21st Century: Crisis of Neoliberal Globalization and the Nationalist Response
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Terjedelem:324 oldal
Méret:229x152 mm
Súly:453 g
Illusztrációk: 3 Tables, black & white

The Global Rise of Authoritarianism in the 21st Century

Crisis of Neoliberal Globalization and the Nationalist Response
Kiadás sorszáma: 1
Kiadó: Routledge
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GBP 35.99
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17 383 Ft (16 555 Ft + 5% áfa)
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Rövid leírás:

Neoliberal globalization is in a deep crisis that has manifested itself is the global rise of authoritarianism and fascism. This book addresses this vital question in comparative-historical perspective and provides a series of case studies, serving as a warning against the impending rise of fascism across the world in the 21st century.

Hosszú leírás:

Neoliberal globalization is in deep crisis. This crisis is manifested on a global scale and embodies a number of fundamental contradictions, a central one of which is the global rise of authoritarianism and fascism. This emergent form of authoritarianism is a right-wing reaction to the problems generated by globalization supported and funded by some of the largest and most powerful corporations in their assault against social movements on the left to prevent the emergence of socialism against global capitalism.

As the crisis of neoliberal global capitalism unfolds, and as we move to the brink of another economic crisis and the threat of war, global capitalism is once again resorting to authoritarianism and fascism to maintain its power. This book addresses this vital question in comparative-historical perspective and provides a series of case studies around the world that serve as a warning against the impending rise of fascism in the 21st century.

Preface and Acknowledgments, 1. Introduction: Crisis of Neoliberal Globalization and the Rise of Authoritarianism in the Early 21st Century, 2. The Crisis of Neoliberalism, Populist Reaction, and the Rise of Authoritarian Capitalism, 3. State, Capital, and the Transformation of the Neoliberal Policy Paradigm in Putin's Russia, 4. Neoliberalism and Authoritarianism in China in the Early 21st Century, 5. Neoliberalism, Authoritarianism, and Resistance in the United States in the Age of Trump, 6. The Latin American Politics of Neoliberal Authoritarianism, 7. Neoliberalism, Contentious Politics, and the Rise of Authoritarianism in Southeast Asia, 8. Neoliberalism, Authoritarianism, and Popular Resistance in Africa, 9. Saffron Fascism: The Conflux of Hindutva Ultra-Nationalism, Neoliberal Extractivism, and the Rise of Authoritarian Populism in Modi?s India, 10. Neoliberalism, Fascism, and People?s Resistance in the Philippines, 11. Neoliberalism and the Rise of Authoritarianism in Turkey Under the AKP, 12. Neoliberalism, Crisis, and Authoritarian-Ethnicist Politics: The Consolidation of the Orbán Regime in Hungary, 13. Crisis of Neoliberalism and the Rise of Authoritarianism in Poland: How a ?Good Change? is Turning Poland into a Neo-Authoritarian State, 14. Conclusion: Neoliberal Capitalist Authoritarianism, Resistance, and Revolution on a Global Scale, Select Bibliography, About the Editor and Contributors, Index