Participatory Case Study Work: Approaches, Authenticity and Application in Ageing Studies
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Terjedelem:268 oldal
Méret:234x156 mm
Súly:385 g
Illusztrációk: 52 Illustrations, black & white; 33 Halftones, black & white; 19 Line drawings, black & white; 8 Tables, black & white

Participatory Case Study Work

Approaches, Authenticity and Application in Ageing Studies
Kiadás sorszáma: 1
Kiadó: Routledge
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Rövid leírás:

Participatory Case Study Work shows academic co-researchers how to adapt and implement their methods so that data collection and analysis is authentically participatory.


Hosszú leírás:

Participatory Case Study Work shows academic co-researchers how to adapt and implement their methods so that data collection and analysis is authentically participatory. At the heart of this text is advocating a participatory approach to case study work, with co-construction as a catalyst for shared understanding and action in advancing ageing studies.

Whilst case study research has a relatively long tradition in the canon of research methodologies, little attention has so far been paid to the importance and value of participatory case study work. This is surprising as its egalitarian and democratic value-base naturally lends itself to the co-production and co-creation of personal and collective theory drawn directly from lived experience.

The book brings together over 15 years? worth of participatory case study work in ageing studies in which the editors have been actively involved as either front-line researchers or as supervisors to PhD and MPhil studies adopting the methodology, and from where each of the contributors is selected. Real-life case examples are shared in the main chapters of the book and they provide direction as to how learning can be applied to other settings. The chapters also contain key references and recommended reading. This volume will appeal to undergraduate and postgraduate students as well as postdoctoral researchers interested in fields such as research methods, qualitative methods, ageing studies and mental health studies.



1. Participatory Case Study Work: What It Is, How It Functions and Our Adaptations to the Approach

Part 1: Working One-to-one to Develop a Personal Theory

2. Living at Home with Semantic Dementia: Creating a Life Story Book with Ruby and Brian to Support Personal Identity and Well-being

3. ?The Man on the Cross?: Uncovering the Body, Faith and Reflexive Self in Late-stage Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease

4. Living at Home with Young Onset Dementia: Co-constructing a Family Biography with Susan and Her Nominated Family Members

5. Diagramming Stroke Survivorship and Recovery: Supporting Malcolm and Margaret to Conceptually Develop and Find Meaning in the ?Stroke Circle? and Its Situated Function as a ?Boundary Fence?

6. A Life in Balance: Co-constructing Sarah?s Early Adjustment to Alzheimer?s Disease Through a Series of Visual Representations of a See-saw

7. Visual Stories and Living with Dementia: Developing and Co-constructing a Neighbourhood Map with Diane and Dave to Represent Ageing-in-place

Part 2: Generating a Collective Theory from a Series of Personal Theories

8. Generating a Collective Theory of Early Diagnosis in Parkinson?s: The Value of the Participatory in Participatory Case Study Work

Part 3: Doing Participatory Case Study Work with Groups

9. Music in Mind: Understanding the ?In The Moment? Musical Experiences of People Living with Dementia in a Group Setting

10. ?Stories from a Very Different Salford?: Co-designing and Co-producing a Biographical Place-making Animation with the Open Doors Research Group

11. New Horizons: Working with Communities to Develop Dementia Friendly Churches

Part 4: Drawing It Together

12. Conclusion: Reflections and Directions in Participatory Case Study Work