Ohio Is My Dwelling Place: Schoolgirl Embroideries, 1800?1850
A termék adatai:

Lásd még 9780821414521
Terjedelem:320 oldal
Méret:279x216 mm
Súly:1072 g

Ohio Is My Dwelling Place

Schoolgirl Embroideries, 1800?1850
Kiadás sorszáma: 1
Kiadó: Ohio University Press
Megjelenés dátuma:
Kötetek száma: Print PDF
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GBP 29.99
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14 485 Ft (13 795 Ft + 5% áfa)
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Rövid leírás:

One of the most intriguing cultural artifacts of our nation?s past was made by young girls?the embroidery sampler. In Ohio Is My Dwelling Place, American decorative arts expert Sue Studebaker documents the samplers created in Ohio prior to 1850, the girls who made them, their families, and the teachers who taught them to stitch.In

Hosszú leírás:

One of the most intriguing cultural artifacts of our nation?s past was made by young girls?the embroidery sampler. In Ohio Is My Dwelling Place, American decorative arts expert Sue Studebaker documents the samplers created in Ohio prior to 1850, the girls who made them, their families, and the teachers who taught them to stitch.

In this lavishly illustrated book, these now highly prized works are coupled with the stories behind their creations and the circumstances under which they were sewn. Ohio Is My Dwelling Place also includes an extensive chart of known pioneer teachers and schools in Ohio, as well as maps depicting the counties where the samplers were made.

These samplers serve as a tangible and enduring legacy of Ohio?s history, and readers will be intrigued and fascinated by the stories presented in this extraordinary keepsake volume.

?Sue Studebaker's comprehensive book covering the development of female education and the role of needlework in a young lady?s life in Ohio significantly contributes to the study of regional styles in American needlework and samplers.?