Mind as Metaphor: A Defence of Mental Fictionalism
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Mind as Metaphor

A Defence of Mental Fictionalism
Kiadó: OUP Oxford
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Rövid leírás:

Mind as Metaphor shows that mental fictionalism can make sense of our concept of mind, avoiding the difficulties faced by alternative approaches, such as behaviourism or instrumentalism. Adam Toon sheds light on a range of issues, from the mind's capacity to represent the world to the way in which new practices expand the limits of inquiry

Hosszú leírás:
We often think of the mind as an inner world. Once, this inner world might have been a spirit or soul - a "ghost in the machine", in Gilbert Ryle's memorable phrase. Nowadays, we are told it will be found in the brain. Adam Toon argues that this is a mistake. In fact, our concept of mind is fundamentally metaphorical: we project the 'outer world' of human culture onto the 'inner world' of the mind. This is an enormously powerful way of making sense of people and their behaviour. But we must not forget that this inner world is only a useful fiction.

Mind as Metaphor develops this idea to offer a radical new approach to the mind, known as mental fictionalism. Toon shows that mental fictionalism can make sense of our ordinary concept of mind (or folk psychology), while avoiding the difficulties faced by alternative approaches, such as behaviourism or instrumentalism. In doing so, Mind as Metaphor sheds new light on a range of issues, from the mind's capacity to represent the world (or intentionality) to the way in which new tools and practices expand the limits of inquiry.

Written in a concise, engaging, and accessible style, Mind as Metaphor is essential reading for anyone interested in the nature of the mind and its relationship to human culture

Toon defends his mental fictionalism with brilliant argumentation and a light but lucid style. He offers solutions to pressing problems of mental fictionalism, such as 'cognitive collapse', and proposes a new approach to intentionality that can be reconciled with the extended mind thesis. I highly recommend this book to anyone with an interest in the subject, whether they be friend or foe of mental fictionalism.
Introduction: The story of the ghost in the machine
Making Up Minds
Contrasts, causes, and consciousness
Minds and representations
Minds and materials
Inquiring minds
Epilogue: An uneasy presence