Case Studies in Infectious Disease
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Terjedelem:430 oldal
Méret:280x210 mm
Súly:1500 g
Illusztrációk: 241 Illustrations, color; 20 Halftones, black & white; 140 Halftones, color; 81 Line drawings, color; 44 Tables, color

Case Studies in Infectious Disease

Kiadás sorszáma: 2
Kiadó: CRC Press
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Rövid leírás:

A list of engaging case studies featuring the most important human infectious diseases. Written for students of microbiology and medicine this book describes, through five core questions, the natural history of infection from point of entry of the pathogen through pathogenesis, followed by the clinical presentation, diagnosis and treatment. 

Hosszú leírás:

Case Studies in Infectious Disease presents 40 case studies featuring the most important human infectious diseases worldwide. Fully revised and updated in this second edition, the book describes the natural history of infection from point of entry of the pathogen through to clinical management of the resulting disease or condition. A further 8 case studies have been provided online as supplementary material, and these can be downloaded by students.

Five core sets of questions are posed in each case, with the answers covering the nature of the infectious agent, route(s) of spread and of infection, pathogenesis of disease, host response to infection, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, treatment and prevention. This standardized approach provides the reader with a logical basis for understanding these diverse and medically important organisms and diseases, fully integrating microbiology and immunology throughout.


  • High-resolution photos accompany each case, from the causative agents of disease to the clinical manifestations of the infection.

  • Exquisite artwork helps to illustrate important concepts throughout the book.

  • Eight new cases added to this new edition, extending coverage of important infectious diseases of worldwide significance.

  • A standardized set of core questions allows students to compare directly differences between microbes such as their structure, clinical manifestations, host response, pathogenesis and availability of vaccines.

  • Questions and answers available online, test the reader?s understanding of each case study.

The book provides essential case-based learning for undergraduate and graduate microbiology students, while medical students and trainee physicians will also find the up-to-date information on 48 globally important infectious diseases outlined in a clear, digestible form, invaluable during undergraduate studies and in future clinical practice.

"a handsome, excellent book on most common pathogens, with a clear orientation to immunology, physiopathology, and microbiology ? It reads well and is an excellent textbook for medical students and a good source of illustrations, tables, and question ideas for teachers." Gary P. Wormser and Guillaume Béraud for Clinical Infectious Diseases.

"a valuable compilation of information on the most common diseases that cause illness and death worldwide. The presentation format with distinct sections makes it readable and well suited for either students just learning about the pathogens causing infectious disease or clinicians who need an update. The level of detail is well thought out and gives the reader a useful summary of each pathogen and disease state. The condensed presentations make it a good reference source for those with insufficient time to read through more detailed textbooks." Philip S. Brachman for Emerging Infectious Disease.


Aspergillus fumigatus 

Borrelia burgdorferi and related species 

Campylobacter jejuni  

Candida albicans

Chlamydia trachomatis                                                                                

Clostridiodies difficile                                                                                  


Echinococcus spp.                                                                                       


Epstein-Barr virus                                                                                      

Escherichia coli                                                                                         

Giardia lamblia                                                                                         

Helicobacter pylori                                                                                     

Hepatitis B virus                                                                                          

Hepatitis C virus

Herpes simplex virus                                                                                  

Histoplasma capsulatum                                                                            

Human immunodeficiency virus                                                                 

Influenza virus                                                                                             

Leishmania spp.                                                                                           

Leptospira spp.                                                                                            

Listeria monocytogenes 

Mycobacterium leprae                                                                                

Mycobacterium tuberculosis                                                                       

Neisseria gonorrhoeae                                                                               

Neisseria meningitidis                                                                                


Plasmodium spp.                                                                                         

Respiratory syncytial virus                                                                          

Rickettsia spp.                                                                                             

Salmonella typhi 

Schistosoma spp.                                                                                         

Staphylococcus aureus                                                                                

Streptococcus pneumoniae                                                                         

Streptococcus pyogenes                                                                             

Toxoplasma gondii                                                                                     

Trypanosoma spp.

Trichophyton spp. and dermatophytes

Varicella-zoster virus                                                                                                

Wuchereria bancrofti 

Plus online cases:

Bartonella bacilliformis  


Coxiella burnetti 

Dengue virus

Enterococcus faecalis and E. faecium

Mycobacterium abscessus


Streptococcus mitis