My Mathematical Life: Yuan Wang in Conversation
Product details:

No. of pages:110 pages
Size:235x155 mm
Illustrations: 2 Illustrations, black & white; 6 Illustrations, color

My Mathematical Life

Yuan Wang in Conversation
Edition number: 2024
Publisher: Springer
Date of Publication:
Number of Volumes: 1 pieces, Book
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Short description:

This book is an autobiographical interview with Chinese Academician Yuan Wang on his experience in mathematical research. In the book Wang?s way of studying Goldbach conjecture is revealed in detail from motivation to method; Wang?s approach and viewpoint of doing applied mathematics are described by the research cases of his applying number theoretic method to numerical integration and mathematical statistics. Wang?s work on algebraic number theory is traced back in a separate chapter. The book ends with two chapters which introduce Wang?s interest in history of mathematics and his hobbies outside of mathematical research and show how a mathematician can in the same time be a historical and  popular science writer and, in particular, a well-received calligrapher. 

The book is intended for undergraduate and graduate students studying number theory and its applications, researchers who are willing to learn from the experience of an established mathematician, as well as math amateurs and general audience who are interested in Wang's life story.

Long description:
This book is an autobiographical interview with Chinese Academician Yuan Wang on his experience in mathematical research. The book looks back on Wang's collaboration with his teacher Hua Loo-Keng and younger scholars, offering insights into fruitful cooperation in mathematical research.

In this book, Yuan Wang?s path of studying Goldbach conjecture is revealed in detail from motivation to method. Then his work on algebraic number theory is traced back in a separate chapter. The book ends with two chapters which introduce Wang?s interest in history of mathematics and his hobbies outside of mathematical research. Wang shows how a mathematician can in the same time be a historical and popular science writer and, in particular, a well-received calligrapher. 

The book is intended for undergraduate and graduate students studying number theory. Researchers who are willing to learn from the experience of an established mathematician, as well as math amateurs and general audience who are interested in Yuan Wang's life story might also find this book appealing.
Table of Contents:
Preface.- Introduction.- Childhood.- High School.- University.- Connection with Number Theory.- Sieve.- Applied Mathematics Explored.- Lost Memories.- Back to Math.- Dabbling in Mathematical Statistics.- A Sip of Mathematics History.- When the Curtain Falls.