Degrees of Affinity: Studies in Comparative Literature and Translation
Product details:

No. of pages:193 pages
Size:235x155 mm
Weight:4262 g
Illustrations: VI, 193 p.

Degrees of Affinity

Studies in Comparative Literature and Translation
Edition number: 2015
Publisher: Springer
Date of Publication:
Number of Volumes: 1 pieces, Book
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Short description:

This book combines two collections of essays written by the late professor Zuoliang Wang, works that explore the affinity between literatures and peoples, with special attention given to that between Chinese literature and western literature in the 20th century, and which underscore the role of translation therein. Both collections have been previously published in book form: Degrees of Affinity?Studies in Comparative Literature (1985) and A Sense of Beginning?Studies in Literature and Translation (1991).


As a prominent literary critic, literary historian, translator and 20th-century Chinese poet, Wang has played a unique part in English education in China. His research interests range widely, from English literature through comparative literature to translation and cultural studies, fields in which he has made outstanding accomplishments. Wang pioneered the concept of ?affinity? in talking about interactions between literatures and peoples, which has since won great acclaim from both critics and common readers at home and abroad. As he points out, ?momentous changes often occur when a foreign literature satisfies a sore need of an indigenous literature, thus developing a strong affinity...? And translation can fulfill a crucial role in bringing about affinity between literatures and peoples. According to Professor Wang, ?Nothing is more crucial in cultural contacts, not to say cultural interactions, than translation, particularly in a country that for long periods closed its doors to the outside world, like China.?

Long description:

This book combines two collections of essays written by the late professor Zuoliang Wang, works that explore the affinity between literatures and peoples, with special attention given to that between Chinese literature and western literature in the 20th century, and which underscore the role of translation therein. Both collections have been previously published in book form: Degrees of Affinity?Studies in Comparative Literature (1985) and A Sense of Beginning?Studies in Literature and Translation (1991).

As a prominent literary critic, literary historian, translator and 20th-century Chinese poet, Wang has played a unique part in English education in China. His research interests range widely, from English literature through comparative literature to translation and cultural studies, fields in which he has made outstanding accomplishments. Wang pioneered the concept of ?affinity? in talking about interactions between literatures and peoples, which has since won great acclaim from both critics and common readers at home and abroad. As he points out, ?momentous changes often occur when a foreign literature satisfies a sore need of an indigenous literature, thus developing a strong affinity...? And translation can fulfill a crucial role in bringing about affinity between literatures and peoples. According to Professor Wang, ?Nothing is more crucial in cultural contacts, not to say cultural interactions, than translation, particularly in a country that for long periods closed its doors to the outside world, like China.?

Table of Contents:
Literary History: Chinese Beginnings.- The Shakespearean Moment in China.- English Poetry and the Chinese Reader.- On Affinity between Literatures.- Across Literatures: the Translation Boom.- Two early translators.- Lu Xun.- Lu Xun and Western Literature.- Chinese Modernists and Their Metamorphoses.- Modernist Poetry in China.- A Chinese Poet.- The Poet as Translator.- Some Observations on Verse Translation .- On Translating Joyce, Burns and Others.- Sean O?Casey in China.- Translation Standard in China: A Survey.- Reflections on a Dictionary.