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Search Term: Topics: Philosophy >> Philosophy in general,

Number of matches: 108 264


Ganong's Review of Medical Physiology, Twenty Sixth Edition Barrett, Kim; Barman, Susan; Yuan, Jason; Brooks, Heddwen;

Ganong's Review of Medical Physiology, Twenty Sixth Edition

McGraw Hill , 2019
Paperback 36 220 HUF

Magic in Western Culture: From Antiquity to the Enlightenment Copenhaver, Brian P.;

Magic in Western Culture: From Antiquity to the Enlightenment

Cambridge University Press, 2018
Paperback 16 900 HUF

Constitutional Imaginaries: A Theory of European Societal Constitutionalism Přibáň, Jiří;

Constitutional Imaginaries: A Theory of European Societal Constitutionalism

Routledge, 2021
Hardback 65 205 HUF

Humanity and Nature in Economic Thought: Searching for the Organic Origins of the Economy Bíró, Gábor; (ed.)

Humanity and Nature in Economic Thought: Searching for the Organic Origins of the Economy

Routledge, 2023
Paperback 19 315 HUF

A Secular Age Taylor, Charles;

A Secular Age

Harvard University Press, 2018
Paperback 10 601 HUF

Religion, Materialism and Ecology Bergmann, Sigurd; Rigby, Kate; Scott, Peter Manley; (ed.)

Religion, Materialism and Ecology

Routledge, 2023
Paperback 17 383 HUF

Relativism in the Philosophy of Science Kusch, Martin;

Relativism in the Philosophy of Science

Cambridge University Press, 2021
Paperback 8 211 HUF

The Secular Enlightenment Jacob, Margaret;

The Secular Enlightenment

Princeton University Press, 2019
Hardback 16 905 HUF

The Structure of Scientific Revolutions ? 50th Anniversary Edition: 50th-Anniversary Edition Kuhn, Thomas S.; Hacking, Ian;

The Structure of Scientific Revolutions ? 50th Anniversary Edition: 50th-Anniversary Edition

University of Chicago Press, 2012
Paperback 7 245 HUF

The Routledge Handbook of Social Epistemology Fricker, Miranda; Graham, Peter J.; Henderson, David;(ed.)

The Routledge Handbook of Social Epistemology

Routledge, 2021
Paperback 21 247 HUF

The Routledge Handbook of Indian Buddhist Philosophy Edelglass, William; Harter, Pierre-Julien; McClintock, Sara; (ed.)

The Routledge Handbook of Indian Buddhist Philosophy

Routledge, 2022
Hardback 103 845 HUF

Ethics and Animals: An Introduction Gruen, Lori;

Ethics and Animals: An Introduction

Cambridge University Press, 2021
Paperback 13 036 HUF

Productive Knowledge in Ancient Philosophy: The Concept of Technę Johansen, Thomas Kjeller; (ed.)

Productive Knowledge in Ancient Philosophy: The Concept of Technę

Cambridge University Press, 2022
Paperback 14 968 HUF

The Routledge Handbook of Embodied Cognition Shapiro, Lawrence; Spaulding, Shannon; (ed.)

The Routledge Handbook of Embodied Cognition

Routledge, 2024
Hardback 103 845 HUF

Knepper, S;

Byung?Chul Han ? A Critical Introduction: A Critical Introduction

Polity Press, 2024
Paperback 8 689 HUF

The Routledge Companion to Pragmatism Aikin, Scott F.; Talisse, Robert B.; (ed.)

The Routledge Companion to Pragmatism

Routledge, 2024
Paperback 21 247 HUF

The Routledge Companion to Environmental Ethics Hale, Benjamin; Light, Andrew; Lawhon, Lydia; (ed.)

The Routledge Companion to Environmental Ethics

Routledge, 2024
Paperback 21 247 HUF

Political Beliefs: A Philosophical Introduction Traldi, Oliver;

Political Beliefs: A Philosophical Introduction

Routledge, 2024
Paperback 17 866 HUF

Kuhn, Thomas S.; Mladenovic, Bojana;

The Last Writings of Thomas S. Kuhn ? Incommensurability in Science: Incommensurability in Science

University of Chicago Press, 2024
Paperback 7 728 HUF

Wahlberg, ?ke;

Resolving Disagreements: A Semantic and Epistemological Inquiry

Palgrave Macmillan, 2024
Hardback 52 980 HUF

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