Coming to Critical Engagement: An Autoethnographic Exploration
Product details:

No. of pages:324 pages
Size:227x163x23 mm
Weight:490 g

Coming to Critical Engagement

An Autoethnographic Exploration
Publisher: University Press of America
Date of Publication:
Number of Volumes: Paperback
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Short description:

Engagement is the label increasingly embraced by higher education to describe activities associated with serving the public interest. What had been viewed previously as service to, extension of, and outreach from is now engagement with as faculty members, students, and staff collaborate with partners in community affairs. This book describes how members of a faculty learning community have come to understand engagement as both intellectual endeavor and scholarly practice at the interface between academy and citizenry.

Long description:
Engagement is the label increasingly embraced by higher education to describe activities associated with serving the public interest. What had been viewed previously as service to, extension of, and outreach from is now engagement with as faculty members, students, and staff collaborate with partners in community affairs. This book describes how members of a faculty learning community have come to understand engagement as both intellectual endeavor and scholarly practice at the interface between academy and citizenry. Coming to Critical Engagement argues that the academy has a moral imperative to participate deliberately and consistently in democratic and systemic discourse with the public.

Coming to Critical Engagement suggests helpful, hopeful thinking for people in academic contexts who wish to establish transformative practices as they interact with community partners. The [book] mov[es] away from the politics of institutional identity and mov[es] toward the pursuit of transformational discovery?and dramatically increases our chances of serving the greater good.
Table of Contents:
Chapter 1 Foreword Chapter 2 Acknowledgments Chapter 3 Authors' Notes Chapter 4 Introduction Part 5 Part I. A Frame of Reference: Chapter 1. Finding Our Voice: Locating Our Place; Chapter 2: Stories of Critical Engagement; Chapter 3. Living Our Way into a New Way of Thinking: An Exploration of Mindful Inquiry; Chapter 4. Have We Ever Been Cr Part 6 Part II. Digging into Engagement: Chapter 5. Learning Through Discourse; Chapter 6. From Building Connections to Developing Social Capital to Leverage Change; Chapter 7. Co
-Empowerment and Working Toward Betterment; Chapter 8. Critical Engagement, T Part 7 Part III. Making Sense of it All: Chapter 9. Coming to Critical Engagement: Personal Implications; Chapter 10. Coming to Critical Engagement: Intellectual Implications Chapter 8 About the Authors