Wiccan Teas & Brews: Recipes for magical drinks, essences, and tinctures
A termék adatai:

Terjedelem:144 oldal
Méret:152x115 mm
Súly:244 g
Illusztrációk: 75 col artworks

Wiccan Teas & Brews

Recipes for magical drinks, essences, and tinctures
Kiadó: CICO Books
Megjelenés dátuma:
Kötetek száma: on wood-free FSC paper
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GBP 9.99
Becsült forint ár:
4 825 Ft (4 595 Ft + 5% áfa)
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4 101 (3 906 Ft + 5% áfa )
Kedvezmény(ek): 15% (kb. 724 Ft)
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Becsült beszerzési idő: A Prosperónál jelenleg nincsen raktáron, de a kiadónál igen. Beszerzés kb. 3-5 hét..
A Prosperónál jelenleg nincsen raktáron.
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Rövid leírás:

Enter the enchanting world of teas, potions and magical drinks in this fully illustrated essential treasury of witchy wisdom and wellness to create your own mug of magic.

Hosszú leírás:

Enter the enchanting world of teas, potions and magical drinks in this fully illustrated essential treasury of witchy wisdom and wellness to create your own mug of magic.

Tea has amazing magical and healing properties, making it an essential in every witch?s life. With brews to empower and functional benefits to improve wellbeing, the beautifully illustrated and practical Wiccan Teas & Brews is a treasury of witchy wisdom and wellness. Join bestselling author Cerridwen Greenleaf and her years of spellcraft and experience to discover your own mug of magic. You will learn how to brew up teas, digestives, tisanes, tonics, tinctures and many other enchanting concoctions that can be created right at home. Nurture through nature with nourishing recipes, essences and infusions. Create celebratory brews for the sabbats and everyday rituals. And finding magical spells in a cup for love, luck and beyond will be a constant source of delight. For comfort, inspiration, remedy and divine magic, it?s time to reach for the cauldron and the kettle!