The Psychology of School Bullying
A termék adatai:

Terjedelem:136 oldal
Méret:198x129 mm
Súly:152 g
Illusztrációk: 3 Illustrations, black & white; 3 Line drawings, black & white

The Psychology of School Bullying

Kiadás sorszáma: 1
Kiadó: Routledge
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GBP 12.99
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6 274 Ft (5 975 Ft + 5% áfa)
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Rövid leírás:

The Psychology of Bullying provides a highly accessible overview about the nature of bullying, what is known about it, its possible effects, and what can be done about it. It focuses on bullying at school with special attention given to the development of cyberbullying, and a final chapter looks at bullying in other contexts. Illustrated with examples and case studies, it examines who bullies and who gets bullied, what is known about effective coping strategies, and what friends, peers and the school can do to help. It will be essential reading for students, teachers and parents looking for psychological insights into what bullying is.

Hosszú leírás:

Why do children get involved with bullying? Does cyberbullying differ from traditional bullying? How can bullying at school be prevented?

The Psychology of School Bullying explores what bullying is and what factors lead to children playing roles as bullies, victims, defenders, bystanders or even some combination of these The book examines proactive strategies to reduce the likelihood of bullying happening in school, but also looks at what action the school could take if bullying incidents do occur.

As bullying can have such far-reaching consequences and sometimes tragic outcomes, it is vital to grasp how and why it happens, and The Psychology of School Bullying shows how improved knowledge and understanding can lead to effective interventions.


Chapter One: What is bullying in school and how has it been studied?

Chapter Two: Finding out about bullying and why statistics can be misleading.

Chapter Three: Who bullies? Who gets bullied?

Chapter Four: Does it matter if bullying happens in school, and what are the effects and consequences of bullying?

Chapter Five: What others can do to help.

Chapter Six. What if bullying happens ??

Chapter Seven: The wider context