Source Magic: The Origin of Art, Science, and Culture
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Terjedelem:256 oldal
Méret:228x152x20 mm
Súly:241 g
Illusztrációk: 1 b&w illustration

Source Magic

The Origin of Art, Science, and Culture
Kiadó: Park Street Press
Megjelenés dátuma:
Kötetek száma: Trade Paperback
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Rövid leírás:

Sharing his more than 30 years of experiences in the fields of occulture and magical anthropology, Carl Abrahamsson explores ancient and modern magical history to reveal the source magic that connects us all, past and present.

Hosszú leírás:
Since the dawn of time, magic is the node around which all human activities and culture revolve. As magic entered the development of science, art, philosophy, religion, myth, and psychology, it still retained its essence: that we have a dynamic connection with all other forms of life.

Exploring the source magic that flows beneath the surface of culture and occulture throughout the ages, Carl Abrahamsson offers a “magical-anthropological” journey from ancient Norse shamanism to the modern magick of occultists like Genesis P-Orridge. He looks at how human beings relate to and are naturally attracted to magic. He examines in depth the consequences of magical practice and how the attraction to magic can be corrupted by both religious organizations and occult societies. He shows how the positive effects of magic are instinctively grasped by children, who view the world as magical.

The author looks at magic and occulture as they relate to psychedelics, Witchcraft, shamanism, Thee Temple ov Psychick Youth (TOPY), the panic rituals of the Master Musicians of Joujouka in Morocco, psychological individuation processes, literary “magical realism,” and the cut-up technique of Beat icons like William S. Burroughs and Brion Gysin. He explores the similarities in psychology between poet Ezra Pound and magician Austin Osman Spare. He looks at the Scandinavian Fenris Wolf as a mythic force and how personal pilgrimages can greatly enrich our lives. He also examines the philosophy of German author Ernst Jünger, the magical techniques of British filmmaker Derek Jarman, and the quintessential importance of accepting our own mortality.

“Source Magic heralds what legions of countercultural readers have known (and sometimes jealously guarded) for years: Carl Abrahamsson is not only among today’s leading occult writers and artists but is, in fact, one of this generation’s most vital public intellectuals. From The Prisoner to Ezra Pound, no single descriptor captures how Carl has pried apart the floorboards of postmodernity&&&8212;and done so as few are able: with laser-like precision, joie de vivre, and the literary power of an exploding sun. Carl is our magical Moses hoisting a fiery serpent in the cultural wilderness. I will be returning to Source Magic for a lifetime.”

Foreword by Nicholaj de Mattos Frisvold

Preface: Come Join the Garden Party!

1 Occulture and Beyond

2 We’re on the Road to Somewhere

3 Panic Pilgrimage

4 Into a Time and Space of Wordship

5 Temporarily Eternal: Some Thoughts on the Psychic Anarcho-Sartorialism of Genesis P-Orridge

6 Tripping the Dark Light Fantastic: Some Notes on Derek Jarman and His Influence

7 Mondo Transcripto!

8 The Prisoner Will Set You Free

9 “Our Life Could at Least Be Doubled”

10 Embracing Magical Realism

11 Literchoor, Kulchur, and a Damned Fine Friendship: On the Symbiosis of Ezra Pound and James Laughlin

12 Spare Me a Pound: An Initial Look at the Sui Genericism of Austin and Ezra

13 Some Thoughts on a Recent Paradigm Shift

14 The Magic of Individuation

15 Lux Per Nox: The Fenris Wolf as Libidinal Liberator

16 The Imaginary Is a Real Thing

17 Memento Mori Forever

18 The Quantum Quilt of Inspiration: An Interview with Carl Abrahamsson



Books by Carl Abrahamsson
