Early Modern Jewish Civilization

Unity and Diversity in a Diasporic Society. An Introduction
Sorozatcím: Early Modern Themes;
Kiadás sorszáma: 1
Kiadó: Routledge
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GBP 135.00
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Rövid leírás:

This collection is an introductory historical survey and selective cultural analysis of the development, coalescence, and eventual waning of a diasporic civilization?that of the Jews of the early modern period (ca. 1391?1789) in Europe, the Ottoman Empire, and key nodes of the Iberian Empires in the Americas.

Hosszú leírás:

This collection is an introductory historical survey and selective cultural analysis of the development, coalescence, and eventual waning of a diasporic civilization?that of the Jews of the early modern period (ca. 1391?1789) in Europe, the Ottoman Empire, and key nodes of the Iberian Empires in the Americas.

Each chapter explores key factors that shaped both distinctive early modern Jewish communities and a remarkably coalescent and far broader community-of-communities. The contributors engage and answer the following questions: What do historians mean by ?early modernity,? and to what extent does the concept illuminate the history and culture(s) of Jews from the end of the Middle Ages to the Enlightenment? What were the general demographic contours of the Jewish diaspora over this period and how did they change? How did culture, politics, technology, economics, and gender shape diasporic Jewish communities across eastern and western Europe and the New World over the course of some 400 years? Ultimately, the work renders a portrait of coherence and diversity, continuity and discontinuity, in early modern Jewish life within and across temporal and geographic boundaries.

Early Modern Jewish Civilization is essential reading for all students of Jewish history and civilization and early modern history more broadly.



1. Introduction: Continuities and Discontinuities in The Formation of a Transoceanic Diaspora, 1391-1789  2. Who were the Jews of the Pre-Modern Diaspora?  3. ?ayei ha-Torah (The Life of Torah): Rabbinic Culture and The Pre-Modern Heritage Preserved and Adapted  4. Eretz Yisrael (The Land of Israel): The Homeland, its Jews, and their Orienting Influence  5. ?Umot ha-?Olam (The Nations of the Earth): Relations with The Other(s) - Part 1: Iberian Watersheds: The Crisis of judeoconversos and The Evolution of Anti-Jewish Bigotry; Iberian judeoconversos and Jews in Medieval and Early Modern Iberian Polemical Tracts - Part 2: Jews and Their Non-Jewish Hosts in an Evolving Diaspora  6. Kol Yisrael ?Arevim Zeh la-Zeh (?All Israel are Mutually Responsible?): Self-Government, Economy, and the Rise of New Diasporic Centers - The Jews of the Italian Peninsula; The Rise of New Diasporic Centers  7. Tsena u-Re?ena (Go Out and See): The World of Jewish Books  8. ?abalah (Tradition): Early Modern Jewish Mysticism as a Devotional Matrix of Jewish Life  9. Minhagim: A Window on Popular Culture  10. ?Erev Rav (A Mixed Multitude): Class, Gender, and Ideological Cleavages  11. ?asidut and Haskalah (Pietism and Enlightenment): Toward the Watershed of Modernity