Weather Hazard Warning Application in Car-to-X Communication

Concepts, Implementations, and Evaluations
Edition number: 1st ed. 2016
Publisher: Springer Vieweg
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Number of Volumes: 1 pieces, Book
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Short description:

Attila Jaeger develops an application which notifies a vehicle?s driver of upcoming road weather dangers. This application maps the information evaluated by in-vehicle sensors in order to draw conclusions on the current weather condition. Comprehensive data basis is gained by sharing information with other vehicles using Car-to-X communication. In order to prove usability of the presented approaches, the developed application and selected concepts are implemented and deployed within the context of large scale Car-to-X field operational trials simTD and DRIVE C2X. Car-to-X communication is considered as the next major step towards a significant increase in road safety and traffic efficiency.

  • In-Vehicle Road Weather Hazard Detection
  • Calculations with Rectangles
  • Mobility Data Verification
  • Driver Notification Strategies
  • Reference Implementations
  • Evaluation Results
Target Groups
  • Lecturers and Students of Informatics, especially in the Field of Application Development for Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks and Distributed Weather Detection
  • Practitioners Working in the same Field
The Author
Attila Jaeger completed his doctoral thesis at the Integrated Circuits and Systems Lab, Technische Universität Darmstadt, under the supervision of Prof. Dr.-Ing. Sorin A. Huss.

Long description:

Attila Jaeger develops an application which notifies a vehicle?s driver of upcoming road weather dangers. This application maps the information evaluated by in-vehicle sensors in order to draw conclusions on the current weather condition. Comprehensive data basis is gained by sharing information with other vehicles using Car-to-X communication. In order to prove usability of the presented approaches, the developed application and selected concepts are implemented and deployed within the context of large scale Car-to-X field operational trials simTD and DRIVE C2X. Car-to-X communication is considered as the next major step towards a significant increase in road safety and traffic efficiency.

Table of Contents:
In-Vehicle Road Weather Hazard Detection.- Calculations with Rectangles.- Mobility Data Verification.- Driver Notification Strategies.- Reference Implementations.- Evaluation Results.