Rethinking Weapon Play in Early Childhood: How to Encourage Imagination, Kindness, and Consent in Your Classroom
Product details:

No. of pages:108 pages
Size:229x152 mm
Weight:360 g
Illustrations: 20 Illustrations, black & white; 7 Halftones, black & white; 13 Line drawings, black & white

Rethinking Weapon Play in Early Childhood

How to Encourage Imagination, Kindness, and Consent in Your Classroom
Edition number: 1
Publisher: Routledge
Date of Publication:
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Short description:

This book invites you to reconsider your automatic ?no? when it comes to young children?s weapon play. It offers new perspectives on how weapon play and other risky forms of play can provide opportunities for healing discussions around boundaries, kindness, and consent, and create positive learning experiences for both children and teachers.

Long description:
This thought-provoking read invites you to reconsider your automatic "no" when it comes to young children?s weapon play. It offers new perspectives on how weapon play and other risky or controversial play can provide opportunities for healing discussions?including around boundaries, kindness, and consent?and create positive learning experiences for children and teachers alike. Centered in an antiracist framework with applications across diverse communities, the book is written by two educators with unique lived experiences of community violence and safety who each share their perspectives on risky play, questions to consider, and strategies to try in the classroom. Aiming to inspire new ways of thinking, instead of trying to change your mind outright, this book asks deep questions to support you in carefully thinking about the kind of play allowed in your classroom. This book is an essential resource for early years teachers, practitioners, and anyone with a key interest in creating supportive spaces for young children.
Table of Contents:

Introduction  1. Focusing on Self-Reflection  2. Making a Connection to Child Development  3. Defining Weapon Plan  4. Conversation, Kindness, and Consent  5. Weapon Play in Your Community  6. Weapon Play During Frightening Times 7. So You?re Uncomfortable  8. The Importance of Connection 9. Resources  10. Final Reflections and Your Monday Morning Moment of Truth