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Search Term: Topics: Pedagogy, education >> Higher education, adult education,

Number of matches: 41 676

Pedagogy, education

Universities and the Labour Market: Graduate Transitions from Education to Employment Jelonek, Magdalena;

Universities and the Labour Market: Graduate Transitions from Education to Employment

Routledge, 2023
Paperback 19 315 HUF

How to Publish in Biological Sciences: A Guide for the Uninitiated Measey, John;

How to Publish in Biological Sciences: A Guide for the Uninitiated

CRC Press, 2022
Paperback 11 104 HUF

Becoming Great Universities: Small Steps for Sustained Excellence Light, Richard J.; Jegla, Allison;

Becoming Great Universities: Small Steps for Sustained Excellence

Princeton University Press, 2022
Hardback 13 524 HUF

Fit For Purpose? The Futures Of Universities Vasbinder, Jan Wouter; Sim, Jonathan Y H; (ed.)

Fit For Purpose? The Futures Of Universities

World Scientific, 2022
Hardback 21 735 HUF

A Handbook for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education: Enhancing Academic Practice Marshall, Stephanie; (ed.)

A Handbook for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education: Enhancing Academic Practice

Routledge, 2019
Paperback 21 247 HUF

Handbook of Reading Research, Volume V Moje, Elizabeth Birr; Afflerbach, Peter P.; Enciso, Patricia;

Handbook of Reading Research, Volume V

Routledge, 2020
Paperback 55 545 HUF

Research Methods: The Basics Walliman, Nicholas;

Research Methods: The Basics

Routledge, 2021
Paperback 9 172 HUF

ELT: The Basics McCarthy, Michael; Walsh, Steve;

ELT: The Basics

Routledge, 2023
Paperback 9 655 HUF

Teaching World Languages with the Five Senses: Practical Strategies and Ideas for Hands-On Learning Porter, Elizabeth;

Teaching World Languages with the Five Senses: Practical Strategies and Ideas for Hands-On Learning

Routledge, 2024
Paperback 13 036 HUF

Teaching Costume Design and Costume Rendering: A Guide for Theatre and Performance Educators Flitton Adams, Jennifer;

Teaching Costume Design and Costume Rendering: A Guide for Theatre and Performance Educators

Routledge, 2024
Paperback 17 866 HUF

Handbook on Higher Education Management and Governance Amaral, Alberto; Magalh?es, António; (ed.)

Handbook on Higher Education Management and Governance

Edward Elgar Publishing, 2023
Hardback 106 260 HUF

Wolfberg, Pamela; Dunn Buron, Kari; (ed.)

Learners on the Autism Spectrum: Preparing Educators and Related Practitioners

Routledge, 2023
Paperback 25 594 HUF

Ryynänen, Max; Somhegyi, Zoltán; (ed.)

Aesthetic Theory Across the Disciplines

Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2023
Hardback 41 055 HUF

Trends in Assessment: Ideas, Opportunities, and Issues for Higher Education Hundley, Stephen P.; Keith, Caleb J.; (ed.)

Trends in Assessment: Ideas, Opportunities, and Issues for Higher Education

Routledge, 2023
Paperback 15 451 HUF

Tayler, Luke;

Visualising Physical Geography: The How and Why of Using Diagrams to Teach Geography 11?16

Routledge, 2023
Paperback 9 172 HUF

Malderez, Angi;

Mentoring Teachers: Supporting Learning, Wellbeing and Retention

Routledge, 2023
Paperback 9 655 HUF

Walk Together, Talk Together ? The American Field Service Student Exchange Program: The American Field Service Student Exchange Program Kinkead, Katharine T.;

Walk Together, Talk Together ? The American Field Service Student Exchange Program: The American Field Service Student Exchange Program

W. W. Norton & Company, 2024
Paperback 7 245 HUF

Women and Higher Education in American History Faragher, John Mack; Howe, Florence;

Women and Higher Education in American History

W. W. Norton & Company, 2024
Paperback 8 935 HUF

Zhang, Ran;

Spaces of Action and the Rights of Students in Chinese Universities

Springer, 2024
Hardback 57 395 HUF

Lang, Josephine;

Multimedia and Professional Learning in Initial Teacher Education

Springer, 2024
Paperback 22 056 HUF

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