Lovely Jubbly: A Celebration of Only Fools and Horses
Product details:

No. of pages: pages
Size:247x190x20 mm
Weight:950 g

Lovely Jubbly

A Celebration of Only Fools and Horses
Publisher: BBC Books
Date of Publication:
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Long description:

Long Live Hookey Street ...

Ménage et trois! It's been more than 40 years since John Sullivan's Only Fools and Horses first graced our television screens. In this official guide, updated with new and never-before-seen material, Mike Jones and Jim Sullivan - son of John and co-writer of the hit West End show Only Fools and Horses the Musical - chart the creation and evolution of the nation's favourite comedy series. Including behind-the-scenes info and interviews with those who helped make the show a success, and more than a word or two from Del, Rodders and the rest of the Peckham faithful, here we take an episode-by-episode look at what made Only Fools and Horses work.