From Byzantine to Norman Italy: Mediterranean Art and Architecture in Medieval Bari
Product details:

No. of pages:288 pages
Size:234x156 mm

From Byzantine to Norman Italy

Mediterranean Art and Architecture in Medieval Bari
Publisher: I.B. Tauris
Date of Publication:
Number of Volumes: Hardback
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Publisher's listprice:
GBP 85.00
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41 055 HUF (39 100 HUF + 5% VAT)
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Long description:
This is the first major study to comprehensively analyze the art and architecture of the archdiocese of Bari and Canosa during the Byzantine period and the upheaval of the Norman conquest. The book places Bari and Canosa in a Mediterranean context, arguing that international connections with the eastern Mediterranean were a continuous thread that shaped art and architecture throughout the Byzantine and Norman eras. Clare Vernon has examined a wide variety of media, including architecture, sculpture, metalwork, manuscripts, epigraphy and luxury portable objects, as well as patronage, to illustrate how cross-cultural encounters, the first crusade, slavery and continuities and disruptions in the relationship with Constantinople, shaped the visual culture of the archdiocese. From Byzantine to Norman Italy will appeal to students and scholars of Byzantine art, the medieval Mediterranean and the Italo-Norman world.