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Search Term: Topics: Linguistics >> Sociolinguistics,

Number of matches: 6 079


The Oxford Guide to the Uralic Languages Bakró-Nagy, Marianne; Laakso, Johanna; Skribnik, Elena; (ed.)

The Oxford Guide to the Uralic Languages

OUP Oxford, 2022
Hardback 80 902 HUF

Introducing Language and Society Jones, Rodney H.; Themistocleous, Christiana;

Introducing Language and Society

Cambridge University Press, 2022
Paperback 12 553 HUF

The Future of Language: How Technology, Politics and Utopianism are Transforming the Way we Communicate Seargeant, Philip;

The Future of Language: How Technology, Politics and Utopianism are Transforming the Way we Communicate

Bloomsbury Academic, 2023
Hardback 9 660 HUF

The Oxford Handbook of Names and Naming Hough, Carole; (ed.)

The Oxford Handbook of Names and Naming

OUP Oxford, 2017
Paperback 19 798 HUF

Innovations and Challenges in Language Learning Motivation Dörnyei, Zoltán;

Innovations and Challenges in Language Learning Motivation

Routledge, 2020
Paperback 18 349 HUF

The Oxford Handbook of Experimental Syntax Sprouse, Jon; (ed.)

The Oxford Handbook of Experimental Syntax

OUP Oxford, 2023
Hardback 66 412 HUF

The Cambridge Handbook of Childhood Multilingualism Stavans, Anat; Jessner, Ulrike; (ed.)

The Cambridge Handbook of Childhood Multilingualism

Cambridge University Press, 2022
Hardback 60 375 HUF

The Handbook of Linguistic Human Rights Skutnabb?Kangas, T;

The Handbook of Linguistic Human Rights

John Wiley & Sons, 2022
Hardback 70 035 HUF

The Power of Language: Multilingualism, Self and Society Marian, Viorica;

The Power of Language: Multilingualism, Self and Society

Pelican, 2024
Paperback 5 308 HUF

Names, Naming, and the Law: Onomastics, Identity, Power, and Policy Nick, I. M.; (ed.)

Names, Naming, and the Law: Onomastics, Identity, Power, and Policy

Routledge, 2023
Hardback 65 205 HUF

Mullany, Louise;

The Sociolinguistics of Gender in Public Life

Palgrave Macmillan, 2024
Hardback 30 903 HUF

The Oxford Guide to the Malayo-Polynesian Languages of Southeast Asia Adelaar, Alexander; Schapper, Antoinette; (ed.)

The Oxford Guide to the Malayo-Polynesian Languages of Southeast Asia

OUP Oxford, 2024
Hardback 70 035 HUF

A Companion to Ancient Near Eastern Languages Hasselbach?Ande,;

A Companion to Ancient Near Eastern Languages

John Wiley & Sons, 2024
Paperback 18 329 HUF

Occupied Words: What the Holocaust Did to Yiddish Pollin-Galay, Hannah;

Occupied Words: What the Holocaust Did to Yiddish

University of Pennsylvania Press, 2024
Hardback 19 320 HUF

Languages of Australia?s First Peoples in Narrative: Australian Stories Rose, David;

Languages of Australia?s First Peoples in Narrative: Australian Stories

Bloomsbury Academic, 2024
Hardback 45 885 HUF

Gramática espa?ola: Variación social Potowski, Kim; Shin, Naomi;

Gramática espa?ola: Variación social

Routledge, 2024
Paperback 17 383 HUF

Gramática espa?ola: Variación social Potowski, Kim; Shin, Naomi;

Gramática espa?ola: Variación social

Routledge, 2024
Hardback 65 205 HUF

Kim, Mary Shin; (ed.)

Exploring Korean Politeness Across Online and Offline Interactions

Springer, 2024
Hardback 22 072 HUF

Kim, Mary Shin; (ed.)

Exploring Korean Politeness Across Online and Offline Interactions

Springer, 2024
Paperback 17 657 HUF

The Social Semiotics of Populism Barreneche, Sebastián Moreno;

The Social Semiotics of Populism

Bloomsbury Academic, 2024
Paperback 14 002 HUF

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