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Search Term: Topics: Computer software >> Presentation softwares,

Number of matches: 231

Computer software

Huynh, Kiet

Power BI: Mastering DAX for Advanced Data Modeling

Kiet Huynh, 2023
Paperback 7 703 HUF

Huynh, Kiet

Tableau Functions Dictionary: Exploring the Language of Data Analysis

Kiet Huynh, 2023
Paperback 7 317 HUF

Huynh, Kiet

Power BI DAX Dictionary Function-by-Function Explained

Kiet Huynh, 2023
Paperback 8 859 HUF

McGrath, Mike

R for Data Analysis in Easy Steps

In Easy Steps, 2023
Paperback 7 317 HUF

Pitch, Kevin

Microsoft PowerPoint Guide for Success: Learn in a Guided Way to Create, Edit & Format Your Presentations Documents to Visual Explain Your Projects &

Top Notch International, 2022
Paperback 7 703 HUF

Jordan, Conor

Advanced Presentation with Microsoft PowerPoint: ICDL Professional

Conor Jordan, 2022
Paperback 7 703 HUF

Everything I Know about Life I Learned from PowerPoint Davies, Russell;

Everything I Know about Life I Learned from PowerPoint

Profile Books, 2021
Hardback 7 240 HUF

Chan, Fern

How to NOT Suck at Presentations

Fern Chan, 2021
Paperback 5 776 HUF

How to get Instant Overview: In Excel 365 and 2019 Koys, Ina

How to get Instant Overview: In Excel 365 and 2019, 2021
Paperback 3 078 HUF

Teaching with Zoom: A Step by Step Beginners Guide to Zoom, The Essential Software Worldwide for Teaching and Learning Online. Bonus: 50 T Murcey, Andrew

Teaching with Zoom: A Step by Step Beginners Guide to Zoom, The Essential Software Worldwide for Teaching and Learning Online. Bonus: 50 T

Andrew Murcey, 2021
Paperback 9 614 HUF

Zoom for Beginners: Everything You Need to Know About Using Zoom for Meetings, Teaching and Videoconferences. Easy to Read with Useful Tip Murcey, Andrew

Zoom for Beginners: Everything You Need to Know About Using Zoom for Meetings, Teaching and Videoconferences. Easy to Read with Useful Tip

17 Lives Ltd, 2021
Hardback 13 853 HUF

Teaching with Zoom: A Step by Step Beginners Guide to Zoom, The Essential Software Worldwide for Teaching and Learning Online. Bonus: 50 T Murcey, Andrew

Teaching with Zoom: A Step by Step Beginners Guide to Zoom, The Essential Software Worldwide for Teaching and Learning Online. Bonus: 50 T

Andrew Murcey, 2021
Hardback 13 853 HUF

Zoom: Bundle 2 books in 1. Everything You Need to Know for Teaching with Zoom Even if You Are a Complete Beginner. A Complet Murcey, Andrew

Zoom: Bundle 2 books in 1. Everything You Need to Know for Teaching with Zoom Even if You Are a Complete Beginner. A Complet

Andrew Murcey, 2021
Paperback 11 541 HUF

Zoom: Bundle 2 books in 1. Everything You Need to Know for Teaching with Zoom Even if You Are a Complete Beginner. A Complet Murcey, Andrew

Zoom: Bundle 2 books in 1. Everything You Need to Know for Teaching with Zoom Even if You Are a Complete Beginner. A Complet

Andrew Murcey, 2021
Hardback 15 394 HUF

Zoom for Beginners: Everything You Need to Know About Using Zoom for Meetings, Teaching and Videoconferences. Easy to Read with Useful Tip Murcey, Andrew

Zoom for Beginners: Everything You Need to Know About Using Zoom for Meetings, Teaching and Videoconferences. Easy to Read with Useful Tip

Andrew Murcey, 2021
Paperback 9 229 HUF

How to create Explainer videos: in PowerPoint 365 and 2019 Koys, Ina

How to create Explainer videos: in PowerPoint 365 and 2019, 2020
Paperback 3 078 HUF

Teaching with Zoom: A Step by Step Beginners Guide to Zoom, The Essential Software Worldwide for Teaching and Learning Online. Bonus: 50 T Murcey, Andrew

Teaching with Zoom: A Step by Step Beginners Guide to Zoom, The Essential Software Worldwide for Teaching and Learning Online. Bonus: 50 T

Andrew Murcey, 2020
Hardback 11 556 HUF

Zoom for Beginners: Everything You Need to Know About Using Zoom for Meetings, Teaching and Videoconferences. Easy to Read with Useful Tip Murcey, Andrew

Zoom for Beginners: Everything You Need to Know About Using Zoom for Meetings, Teaching and Videoconferences. Easy to Read with Useful Tip

Andrew Murcey, 2020
Hardback 11 541 HUF

Zoom: Bundle 2 books in 1. Everything You Need to Know for Teaching with Zoom Even if You Are a Complete Beginner. A Complet Murcey, Andrew

Zoom: Bundle 2 books in 1. Everything You Need to Know for Teaching with Zoom Even if You Are a Complete Beginner. A Complet

17 Lives Ltd, 2020
Hardback 12 712 HUF

Going Indie: A complete guide to becoming an independent software developer Schrader, Brian

Going Indie: A complete guide to becoming an independent software developer

Skyrocket Software, 2020
Paperback 10 400 HUF

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