The Evolution of EU Law
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The Evolution of EU Law

Kiadás sorszáma: 3
Kiadó: OUP Oxford
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Kiadói listaár:
GBP 57.00
Becsült forint ár:
27 531 Ft (26 220 Ft + 5% áfa)
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24 778 (23 598 Ft + 5% áfa )
Kedvezmény(ek): 10% (kb. 2 753 Ft)
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Becsült beszerzési idő: A Prosperónál jelenleg nincsen raktáron, de a kiadónál igen. Beszerzés kb. 3-5 hét..
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Rövid leírás:

With new chapters covering the Rule of Law, Judicial Reform, Brexit, Constitutional and Legal Theory, Refugee and Asylum law, and Data Governance, this third edition of The Evolution of EU Law is a must read for any student or academic of EU law.

Hosszú leírás:
This last decade has been particularly turbulent for the EU. Beset by crises - the financial crisis, the rule of law crisis, the migration crisis, Brexit, and the pandemic - European Law has had to adapt and change in a way not previously seen.

First published in 1999, the goal then was to reflect on the important developments that had been made since the creation of the EEC. That goal has not changed. From EU Administrative Law through to the Regulation of Network Industries, each chapter in this seminal work assess the legal and political forces that have shaped the evolution of EU law.

With new chapters covering the Rule of Law, Judicial Reform, Brexit, Constitutional and Legal Theory, Refugee and Asylum law, and Data Governance, this third edition of The Evolution of EU Law is a must read for any student or academic of EU law.

This book has been a must and a classic in EU law scholarship since the first edition 1999. This third edition is not only updated to the latest developments in written law and jurisprudence, it includes new chapters on the Rule of Law, Judicial Reform, Brexit, Constitutional and Legal Theory, Refugee and Asylum law, and the Evolution of Data Law ? including Artificial Intelligence. With 27 contributors from different European countries the book gives not only constant food for thought, it offers a very comprehensive knowledge base on institutional and substantive law as well as legal theory issues. A tour de force of breadth, depth and expertise.
Integration, Democracy and Legitimacy
Institutions, Power and Institutional Balance
Legal and Constitutional Theory of the European Union
The Agencification Process and the Evolution of the EU Administrative System
Judicial Reform and the European Court: Not a Numbers Game
Direct Effect, Primacy and the Nature of the Legal Order
Preliminary Rulings and EU Legal Integration: Evolution and Continuity
The Vicissitudes of Life at the Coalface: Remedies and Procedures for Enforcing Union Law before the National Courts
The Rule of Law
The Evolution of EU Administrative Law
From a Europe of Bits and Pieces to a Union of Variegated Differentiation
(Br)Exit from the EU-Control, Autonomy and the Evolution of EU Law
External Relations of the European Union: The Constitutional Framework for International Action
The Evolution of EU Human Rights Law
Free Movement of Persons, Establishment and Services
Free Movement of Goods: Evolution and Intelligent Design in the Foundations of the European Union
Free Movement of Capital: Evolution as a Non-Linear Process
Citizenship: Contrasting Dynamics at the Interface of Integration and Constitutionalism
EU Anti-Discrimination Law: Navigating Sameness and Difference
EU 'Social' Policy: From Employment Law to Labour Market Reform
Economic and Monetary Union: Evolution and Conflict
EU Criminal Law and Police Cooperation
Civil Justice Extending its Tentacles
The Evolution of EU Law on Refugees and Asylum
Competition Law: Convergence through Law and Networks
EU Environmental Law and Legal Imagination
Consumer Policy
The Evolution of European Data Law