Steel Odyssey

Tracing the Journey of Humanity Through the Lens of Steel
Kiadás sorszáma: 1
Kiadó: CRC Press
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GBP 82.99
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40 084 Ft (38 175 Ft + 5% áfa)
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32 067 (30 540 Ft + 5% áfa )
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A kedvezmény érvényes eddig: 2024. június 30.
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Rövid leírás:

In this work, the authors draw on history, anthropology, and materials engineering to present a comprehensive and ambitious examination of the multifaceted roles of iron and steel throughout history and the current and future challenges faced by the steel industry.

Hosszú leírás:

In this wide-ranging interdisciplinary work, the authors draw on history, anthropology, and materials engineering to present a comprehensive and ambitious examination of the multifaceted roles of iron and steel throughout history and the current and future challenges faced by the steel industry.

Ohjoon Kwon, Joo Choi, and Hae-Geon Lee provide readers with an in-depth understanding of the history of iron and steel and their impact on human society from a materials engineering perspective. They begin by describing the characteristics of iron and steel and the history of human use of and interaction with these metals by compiling the fundamental knowledge necessary to understand iron?s unique properties and metallurgical phenomena. Following this, they explain the influence of steel on human society and culture, focusing on Industrial Revolution and warfare. They also give examples that are rarely discussed elsewhere, such as developments in Asia or iron?s influence on thought and philosophy using Confucianism and Marxism as examples. Readers will then be able to apply this contextual knowledge to address the profound impact of emerging challenges, such as global environmental issues and the Fourth Industrial Revolution.

Despite the technical nature of this book, all terminology is fully explained to facilitate better comprehension for those who may not possess an engineering education or a direct interest in metallurgy. This book is therefore invaluable not only as a technical book but also as a guide to the development history of human civilization and its future challenges.

?Steel can boast of an extensive literature to which many have contributed, but every so often, a gem emerges with a brilliance that consumes the reader. It is in this context that I pay homage to the authors of Steel Odyssey, which true to its title, is an epic written by giants of the subject.?

-Sir H.K.D.H. Bhadeshia, Emeritus Professor, Cambridge University, UK


?This book provides a very unique perspective on the interrelationships between steel developments and society. The book should be of interest to both experts in steel metallurgy as well as to those with interests focused on history and technology.?

-David Matlock, Emeritus Professor, Colorado School of Mines, USA


?Steel Odyssey is a tour de force about steel as a product, its history and its future.  It explains the economic and social impacts of steel, and sheds valuable light on steel?s future role in the modern age of decarbonization.  A must for anyone to understand the vital role of steel in modern society.?

-Edwin Basson, Director General: World Steel Association


Chapter 1 ? Characteristics of Steel

Chapter 2 ? The Birth of Iron

Chapter 3 ? Manufacturing Technology of Steel

Chapter 4 ? The Influence of Steel on Civilization and

Chapter 5 ? Iron ? Key Partner of the Industrial Revolution

Chapter 6 ? War and Steel

Chapter 7 ? Steel Industry, Today

Chapter 8 ? Steel Industry, Future