A termék adatai:

Terjedelem:248 oldal
Méret:235x155 mm
Súly:613 g
Illusztrációk: 2 Illustrations, black & white; 14 Illustrations, color

Mycorrhizal Symbiosis and Agroecosystem Restoration

Kiadás sorszáma: 1st ed. 2024
Kiadó: Springer
Megjelenés dátuma:
Kötetek száma: 1 pieces, Book
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EUR 213.99
Becsült forint ár:
88 302 Ft (84 098 Ft + 5% áfa)
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81 239 (77 370 Ft + 5% áfa )
Kedvezmény(ek): 8% (kb. 7 064 Ft)
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Rövid leírás:

Mycorrhiza in agroecosystem restoration is a groundbreaking book that sheds light on the critical role of mycorrhiza in restoring agroecosystems. This book comprehensively overviews the latest research findings, methodologies, and techniques for mycorrhizal management in agricultural systems. It serves as an essential guide for researchers, professionals, and students interested in understanding the importance of mycorrhizae in agroecosystem restoration.

The book covers a broad range of topics related to mycorrhizae, including the ecological and economic significance of mycorrhiza in agricultural systems, the diversity of mycorrhizal associations, the role of mycorrhizae in plant nutrition, and the application of mycorrhizae in agroecosystem restoration. The book critically analyzes the current state of mycorrhizal research, highlighting the gaps and challenges in our understanding of mycorrhizae and their role in agroecosystem restoration.

The authors of this book are leading experts in the field of mycorrhizal research, with extensive experience in studying mycorrhizae in agricultural systems. They bring their expertise and knowledge to this book, providing readers with a comprehensive understanding of the importance of mycorrhizae in agroecosystem restoration.

Mycorrhiza in agroecosystem restoration is a timely contribution to the field of mycorrhizal research. With the growing recognition of the importance of mycorrhizae in sustainable agriculture, this book is a valuable resource for researchers, professionals, and students interested in understanding the potential of mycorrhizae in agroecosystem restoration.

This book provides readers with a deep understanding of the mechanisms of mycorrhizal symbiosis and their impact on plant growth and development. The book covers a wide range of topics, including the impact of mycorrhizae on soil structure and fertility, the use of mycorrhizal inoculants in crop production, and the role of mycorrhizae in the restoration of degraded agroecosystems.

?Mycorrhiza in Agroecosystem Restoration? is a must-read for anyone interested in the potential of mycorrhizae in sustainable agriculture. With its comprehensive coverage of the latest research findings and methodologies, this book is an essential guide for researchers, professionals, and students alike. The authors? expertise and knowledge make this book valuable for anyone looking to deepen their understanding of mycorrhizae and their role in agroecosystem restoration.


Hosszú leírás:

Mycorrhiza in agroecosystem restoration is a groundbreaking book that sheds light on the critical role of mycorrhiza in restoring agroecosystems. This book comprehensively overviews the latest research findings, methodologies, and techniques for mycorrhizal management in agricultural systems. It serves as an essential guide for researchers, professionals, and students interested in understanding the importance of mycorrhizae in agroecosystem restoration.

The book covers a broad range of topics related to mycorrhizae, including the ecological and economic significance of mycorrhiza in agricultural systems, the diversity of mycorrhizal associations, the role of mycorrhizae in plant nutrition, and the application of mycorrhizae in agroecosystem restoration. The book critically analyzes the current state of mycorrhizal research, highlighting the gaps and challenges in our understanding of mycorrhizae and their role in agroecosystem restoration.

The authors ofthis book are leading experts in the field of mycorrhizal research, with extensive experience in studying mycorrhizae in agricultural systems. They bring their expertise and knowledge to this book, providing readers with a comprehensive understanding of the importance of mycorrhizae in agroecosystem restoration.

Mycorrhiza in agroecosystem restoration is a timely contribution to the field of mycorrhizal research. With the growing recognition of the importance of mycorrhizae in sustainable agriculture, this book is a valuable resource for researchers, professionals, and students interested in understanding the potential of mycorrhizae in agroecosystem restoration.

This book provides readers with a deep understanding of the mechanisms of mycorrhizal symbiosis and their impact on plant growth and development. The book covers a wide range of topics, including the impact of mycorrhizae on soil structure and fertility, the use of mycorrhizal inoculants in crop production, and the role of mycorrhizae in the restoration of degraded agroecosystems.

?Mycorrhiza in Agroecosystem Restoration? is a must-read for anyone interested in the potential of mycorrhizae in sustainable agriculture. With its comprehensive coverage of the latest research findings and methodologies, this book is an essential guide for researchers, professionals, and students alike. The authors? expertise and knowledge make this book valuable for anyone looking to deepen their understanding of mycorrhizae and their role in agroecosystem restoration.



Chapter 1. Diversity of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in mined land: Distribution and function in reclamation of mined land ecosystems.- Chapter 2. Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and attainment of food security.- Chapter 3. Impact of environmental gases on mycorrhizal symbiosis and its influence on ecosystem functioning under the current climate change scenario.- Chapter 4. Propagation of mycorrhizal fungi and their strength in plant health ameliorations.- Chapter 5. Root exudates and their importance in arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis and nutrients navigation from inaccessible soil: An efficient mediator of mineral acquisition in nutrient deprived soil.- Chapter 6. Advancement in mycorrhizal fungi based sustainable plant disease management.- Chapter 7. Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi: A Potential agent for phytonematodes management in temperate and subtropical zones.- Chapter 8. Commercialization of arbuscular mycorrhizal technology in sustainable agriculture:Current knowledge and challenges in agroforestry.- Chapter 9. Unravelling the mysteries of mycorrhiza-plant interactions: Mechanisms of protection and ecological factors influencing symbiosis.- Chapter 10. Influence of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi on soil health amelioration and plant fitness under hostile environment.