Creativity from Suburban Nowheres ? Rethinking Cultural and Creative Practices: Rethinking Cultural and Creative Practices
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Terjedelem:390 oldal
Méret:229x152x21 mm
Súly:553 g
Illusztrációk: 24 b&w illustrations, 9 b&w maps, 5 b&w figures, and 2 b&w tables

Creativity from Suburban Nowheres ? Rethinking Cultural and Creative Practices

Rethinking Cultural and Creative Practices
Sorozatcím: Global Suburbanisms;
Kiadó: MY ? University of Toronto Press
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GBP 25.99
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Rövid leírás:

This book interrogates and questions the meaning and implications of suburban creativity.

Hosszú leírás:

Looking at suburbs as places of creativity gives rise to novel and thought-provoking narratives that typically run counter to the idea that suburbs are sites of "ordinary," "mundane," and "everyday" practices. Far from being geographies of "nowhere" ? dull, materialistic, and monotone ? suburbs are unpacked as being heterogeneous and historically layered places of living, work, and creation. Situating creativity in place and time, Creativity from Suburban Nowheres displaces mainstream understandings of creativity and widespread stereotypes commonly associated with the suburbs.

Contributors explore the particular forms of creativity that suburbs elicit both in the process of their making, materialization, and community construction, and in the myriad ways in which suburbs are inhabited and experienced. They highlight accounts of suburbs as places that give people the space and latitude to shape individual and collective identities through creative practices at odds with mainstream culture, and often remote from the classic agglomeration "assets" associated with inner cities.

Anchored in historical and geographical research, this volume highlights how and in what forms creativity should be understood in the suburbs, why and when creativity can be found, and how the notion of suburban creativity overthrows ingrained and dominant normative viewpoints. Rather than seeing creativity arise despite its suburban location, Creativity from Suburban Nowheres illuminates the emancipatory potential of suburbs for creativity.