Confessions: A Life of Failed Promises
A termék adatai:

Terjedelem:320 oldal
Méret:234x153 mm
Illusztrációk: 20 black and white photographs throughout book


A Life of Failed Promises
Kiadó: Bloomsbury Continuum
Megjelenés dátuma:
Kötetek száma: Hardback
Normál ár:

Kiadói listaár:
GBP 20.00
Becsült forint ár:
9 660 Ft (9 200 Ft + 5% áfa)
Miért becsült?
Az Ön ára:

8 404 (8 004 Ft + 5% áfa )
Kedvezmény(ek): 13% (kb. 1 256 Ft)
A kedvezmény csak az 'Értesítés a kedvenc témákról' hírlevelünk címzettjeinek rendeléseire érvényes.
Kattintson ide a feliratkozáshoz

Becsült beszerzési idő: A Prosperónál jelenleg nincsen raktáron, de a kiadónál igen. Beszerzés kb. 3-5 hét..
A Prosperónál jelenleg nincsen raktáron.
Nem tudnak pontosabbat?

Hosszú leírás:
Known for his journalism, biographies and novels, A. N. Wilson turns a merciless searchlight on his own early life, his experience of sexual abuse, his catastrophic mistakes in love (sacred and profane) and his life in Grub Street - as a prolific writer.

Before he came to London, as one of the "Best of Young British" novelists, and Literary Editor of the Spectator, we meet another A. N. Wilson. We meet his father, the Managing Director of Wedgwood, the grotesque teachers at his first boarding school, and the dons of Oxford - one of whom, at the age of just 20, he married, Katherine Duncan-Jones, the renowned Shakespearean scholar.

The book begins with his heart-torn present-day visits to Katherine, now for decades his ex-wife, who has slithered into the torments of dementia.

At every turn of this reminiscence, Wilson is baffled by his earlier self - whether he is flirting with unsuitable lovers or with the idea of the priesthood. His chapter on the High Camp seminary which he attended in Oxford is among the funniest in the book.

We follow his unsuccessful attempts to become an academic, his aspirations to be a Man of Letters, and his eventual encounters with the famous, including some memorable meetings with royalty.

The princesses, dons, paedophiles and journos who cross the pages are as sharply drawn as figures in Wilson's early comic fiction. But there is also a tenderness here, in his evocation of those whom he has loved, and hurt, the most.
1. Ungentle A. N.
2. Remind Me
3. Sorrowful Lay
4. Living up to the Blue China
5. Best of Young British
6. Masks
7. Norman Wilson's Son
8. Leaving Germany
9. The Works
10. Frail Travelling
11. Andrew Woods
12. Contrasts
13. Warfare Accomplished
14. Miscarriages
15. What is my Name?
16. Convent Thoughts
17. Newcastle Road
18. When I Get There, I'll Be Glad
19. Put Your Cap On, I Should
20. Notes for Boys
21. Little Bryan
22. Acqua Non Fizzimento
23. Journalistic Debut
24. A Bit of a Ruin
25. Mme de Liencourt, Mr Lowry and Others
26. Galsworthy Scholar
27. Kibbutznik
28. Lost Causes
29. Angel Fluffs
30. "Are they twa sweethearts?"
31. St Trinian's
32. Superficial Journey
33. St Andrew's by the Northern Sea
34. Prosaic and Drivelling
35. Clare
36. The Green Stick
