Adams and Victor's Principles of Neurology 11th Edition
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Adams and Victor's Principles of Neurology 11th Edition

Kiadás sorszáma: 11
Kiadó: McGraw Hill
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GBP 196.99
Becsült forint ár:
95 146 Ft (90 615 Ft + 5% áfa)
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85 631 (81 554 Ft + 5% áfa )
Kedvezmény(ek): 10% (kb. 9 515 Ft)
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The definitive text on the full spectrum of neurology ? presented in full color and better than ever!

Long considered the field?s gold-standard text, Adams and Victor?s Principles of Neurology provides the very latest treatment and management strategies needed to confidently handle both common and rare neurologic conditions. Presented in full color, this classic resource meets the needs of the seasoned professional or the aspiring clinician, and has been hailed as the most detailed, thorough, and authoritative text on the subject. Reviewers have favorably compared the book?s consistent, single voice to consulting with an experienced senior colleague. The latest scientific research is included in just the right amount of detail to serve as a clinical reference or a starting point for additional learning.

The text is logically divided into six sections: The Clinical Method of Neurology; Cardinal Manifestations of Neurologic Disease; Growth and Development of the Nervous System in the Neurology of Aging; Major Categories of Neurologic Diseases; Diseases of the Spinal Cord, Peripheral Nerve, and Muscle; Psychiatric Disorders.

The definitive text on the full spectrum of neurology ? presented in full color and better than ever!

Long considered the field?s gold-standard text, Adams and Victor?s Principles of Neurology provides the very latest treatment and management strategies needed to confidently handle both common and rare neurologic conditions. Presented in full color, this classic resource meets the needs of the seasoned professional or the aspiring clinician, and has been hailed as the most detailed, thorough, and authoritative text on the subject. Reviewers have favorably compared the book?s consistent, single voice to consulting with an experienced senior colleague. The latest scientific research is included in just the right amount of detail to serve as a clinical reference or a starting point for additional learning.

The text is logically divided into six sections: The Clinical Method of Neurology; Cardinal Manifestations of Neurologic Disease; Growth and Development of the Nervous System in the Neurology of Aging; Major Categories of Neurologic Diseases; Diseases of the Spinal Cord, Peripheral Nerve, and Muscle; Psychiatric Disorders.


PART I. The Clinical Method of Neurology

Ch. 1 Approach to the Patient

Ch. 2 Diagnostic Technques

PART II. Cardinal Manifestations

Ch. 3 Motor Paralysis

Ch. 4 Movement and Postural Problems of the Basal Ganglia

Ch 5 Ataxia and Cerebellar Problems

Ch 6 Tremor, Myoclonsu, Focal Dystonia and Tics

Ch 7 Stance and Gait Problems

Ch 8 Pain

Ch 9 Other Abnormalities in Sensation

Ch 10 Headache and Craniofacial Pain

Ch 11 Neck, Back, and Extremity Pain

Ch 12 Disorders of Smell and Taste

Ch 13 Visual Disturbances

Ch 14 Abnormal Eye Movements and Pupillary Dysfunction

Ch 15 Deafness, Dizziness and Disorders of Equilibrium

Ch 16 Epilepsy and Other Seizure Disorders

Ch 17 Coma and Disorders of Consciousness

Ch 18 Faintness and Syncope

Ch 19 Sleep Disorders

Ch 20 Delirium and Confusion

Ch 21 Dementia, Amnestic States, and Problems of Intelligence and Memory

Ch 22 Cerebellar Lesions

Ch 23 Speech and Language Problems

Ch 24 Fatigue, Asthenia, Anxiety and Depression

Ch 25 Limbic Lobes and Neurology of Emothion

Ch 26 Disorders of the Autonomic Nervous System

Ch 27 Hypothalamic and Neuroendocrine Disorders


Ch 28 Normal Development and Neurodevelopmental Disorders

Ch 29 Neurology of Agin


Ch 30 Cerebrospinal Fluid Disorders

Ch 31 Neoplasms and Neoplastic Disease

Ch 32 Nonviral Nervous System Infections

Ch 33 Viral Nervous System Infections

Ch 34 Cerebrovascular Disease

Ch 35 Craniocerebral Trauma

Ch 36 Multiple Slerosis and Other Demyelinating Diseases

Ch 37 Inherited Metabolic Diseases

Ch 38 Neurodevelopmental Disorders

Ch 39 Neurodegenerative Diseases

Ch 40 Acquired Metabolic Disorders

Ch 41 Nutritional Diseases

Ch 42 Alcohol and Alcoholism

Ch 43 Drugs, Toxins, and Chemical Agents


Ch 44 Spinal Cord Diseases

Ch 45 Neurodiagnostics in Neuromuscular Disease

Ch 46 Peripheral Nerve Diseases

Ch 47 Cranial Nerve Diseases

Ch 48 Muscles Diseases

Ch 49 Myasthenia Gravis and Disorders of the Neuromuscular Junction

Ch 50 Myotonias, Spasms, and Paralyses


Ch 51 Anxiety, Hysteria, and Personality Disorders

Ch 52 Depression and Bipolar Disease

Ch 53 Schizophrenia, Delusional and Paranoid States