Achilles Tatius: Leucippe and Clitophon Books I-II
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Terjedelem:294 oldal
Méret:216x138x19 mm
Súly:400 g
Illusztrációk: 3 b/w illus.

Achilles Tatius: Leucippe and Clitophon Books I-II

Kiadó: Cambridge University Press
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Becsült beszerzési idő: A kiadót ért kibertámadás miatt a kiszolgálás várhatóan 2024. július végére áll helyre.2024.
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Rövid leírás:

The first modern commentary in English on this most sophisticated and brilliant of ancient Greek novels.

Hosszú leírás:
The Greek Novels have moved from the margins to the centre-stage over recent decades, not just because of their literary qualities and thrilling narratives, but also because they offer revealing insights into the culture of the Greek world of the Roman Empire: sexual mores, the position of women and men, identity, religion. Achilles Tatius' Leucippe and Clitophon, the most influential of the novels in antiquity, remains the favourite of many. With its freewheeling plotline, its setting on the edge of the Greek world (in modern Lebanon), its ironic play with the reader's expectations and its sallies into obscenity, it represents a new, mature, sophisticated stage in the development of the novel as a genre. This is the first commentary in English on Achilles for over 50 years, a period that has seen great strides forward in the understanding of the literary, linguistic and textual interpretation of this brilliant text.

'... this book is an unquestionable success; it will be as useful to students meeting Leucippe and Clitophon for the first time as it will be to specialists, who will learn much here (however familiar they are with the novel).' Jean-Philippe Guez, Bryn Mawr Classical Review
Introduction; 1. Author, Date, Context; 2. Achilles and his Literary Context; 3. Books 1 and 2; 4. Allusion, Rhetoric, Narrative, Language; 5. Location, Setting, Environment; 6. Ethics, Philosophy, Culture; 7. Text; Sigla; Achilles Tatius: Leucippe and Clitophon Books I-II; Commentary.