A Short Introduction to Mathematical Concepts in Physics
A termék adatai:

Terjedelem:242 oldal
Méret:234x156 mm
Súly:362 g
Illusztrációk: 77 Illustrations, black & white; 1 Halftones, black & white; 76 Line drawings, black & white

A Short Introduction to Mathematical Concepts in Physics

Kiadás sorszáma: 1
Kiadó: CRC Press
Megjelenés dátuma:
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Kiadói listaár:
GBP 51.99
Becsült forint ár:
25 111 Ft (23 915 Ft + 5% áfa)
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22 600 (21 524 Ft + 5% áfa )
Kedvezmény(ek): 10% (kb. 2 511 Ft)
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Rövid leírás:

Mathematics is the language of physics and yet, mathematics is an enormous subject. This textbook provides an accessible and concise introduction to mathematical physics for undergraduate students taking a one semester course.

Hosszú leírás:

Mathematics is the language of physics and yet, mathematics is an enormous subject. This textbook provides an accessible and concise introduction to mathematical physics for undergraduate students taking a one semester course.

It assumes the reader has studied a year of introductory physics and three semesters of basic calculus, including some vector calculus, but no formal training in differential equations or matrix algebra. It equips readers with the skills and foundational knowledge they need for courses that follow in classical mechanics, electromagnetism, quantum mechanics, and thermal physics.

This book exposes students early on to the kinds of mathematical manipulations they will need in upper-level courses in physics. It can also serve as a useful reference for their further studies.

Key features:

  • Accompanied by homework problems and a solutions manual for instructors, available upon qualifying course adoption

  • Bridges the gap between calculus and physics, explaining fundamental mathematics (differentiation, integration, infinite series) in physical terms

  • Explores quick extensions into mathematics useful in physics, not typically taught in math courses, including the Gamma Function, hyperbolic functions, Gaussian integrals, Legendre polynomials, functions of a complex variable, and probability distribution functions


1. Basic Concepts  2. Infinite Series  3. Ordinary Differential Equations  4. Vector Calculus and Partial Differential Equations  5. Fourier Analysis  6. Vectors and Matrices  7. Calculus of Variations  8. Functions of a Complex Variable  9. Probability and Statistics