Product details:

No. of pages:99 pages
Size:210x148 mm
Weight:289 g
Illustrations: 1 Illustrations, black & white

Western Elites and Societies in Twenty-First Century Politics

Avoiding Calamity
Edition number: 1st ed. 2023
Publisher: Palgrave Macmillan
Date of Publication:
Number of Volumes: 1 pieces, Book
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Short description:

This book focuses on threats to the continued viability of Western institutions and practices for which it is not easy to conceive remedies consistent with the Western tradition. Higley argues that structural difficulties in postindustrial societies, particularly the United States, the United Kingdom, France, and elsewhere, threatened troubles that political manipulation by elites might not be sufficient to contain or resolve. Struggling against lethal climate change, politically explosive waves of migrants and refugees, the likelihood of further pandemics, populist nationalism, and destabilizing effects of social media, elites must consider new demographic, economic, social, political, and international policies. Higley offers a powerful and provocative analysis of the elite?s ability to sustain Western societies in their current social and political forms.

John Higley is Emeritus Professor of Government & Sociology, University of Texas at Austin, USA.

Long description:
This book focuses on threats to the continued viability of Western institutions and practices for which it is not easy to conceive remedies consistent with the Western tradition. Higley argues that structural difficulties in postindustrial societies, particularly the United States, the United Kingdom, France, and elsewhere, threatened troubles that political manipulation by elites might not be sufficient to contain or resolve. Struggling against lethal climate change, politically explosive waves of migrants and refugees, the likelihood of further pandemics, populist nationalism, and destabilizing effects of social media, elites must consider new demographic, economic, social, political, and international policies. Higley offers a powerful and provocative analysis of the elite?s ability to sustain Western societies in their current social and political forms.
Table of Contents:

1. Avoiding Calamity.- 2. Western Elites and Populists.- 3.  Representative Government?s Prospects.- 4. Democracy as Rationalization and Panacea.- 5. Anticipations of Parousia in Western Societies.- 6. Intellectual Elites and Realities of Work.- 7. Plutocracy and Demagogy in a Weak State.- 8. The Democracy Ideal Reconsidered.