Translating Great Russian Literature

The Penguin Russian Classics
Edition number: 1
Publisher: Routledge
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Short description:

Launched in 1950, Penguin?s Russian Classics quickly progressed to include translations of many great works of Russian literature and the series came to be regarded by readers, both academic and general, as the de facto provider of classic Russian literature in English translation.

Long description:

Launched in 1950, Penguin?s Russian Classics quickly progressed to include translations of many great works of Russian literature and the series came to be regarded by readers, both academic and general, as the de facto provider of classic Russian literature in English translation, the legacy of which reputation resonates right up to the present day. Through an analysis of the individuals involved, their agendas, and their socio-cultural context, this book, based on extensive original research, examines how Penguin?s decisions and practices when translating and publishing the series played a significant role in deciding how Russian literature would be produced and marketed in English translation. As such the book represents a major contribution to Translation Studies, to the study of Russian literature, to book history and to the history of publishing.

Table of Contents:

1. Creating Penguin?s Russian Classics 2. David Magarshack: Penguin translator becomes translation theorist 3. Putting translation theory into practice 4. Penguin Russian Classics after 1964 Conclusion