The Christmas at the Wartime Bookshop: Book 3 in the feel-good WWII saga series about a community-run bookshop, from the bestselling author
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No. of pages: pages
Size:198x127x24 mm
Weight:273 g

The Christmas at the Wartime Bookshop

Book 3 in the feel-good WWII saga series about a community-run bookshop, from the bestselling author
Publisher: Penguin
Date of Publication:
Number of Volumes: B-format paperback
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Long description:

Alice, Kate and Naomi want to keep the magic of Christmas alive in their village of Churchwood but a thief in the area and a new family that shuns the local community are only the first of the problems they face.

Naomi is fighting to free herself from Alexander - the man who married her for her money, then kept a secret family behind her back. But will she be able to achieve the independence she craves?

Alice's dreams came true when she married sweetheart Daniel. Now he has returned to the fighting, but Alice is delighted to discover that she's carrying his child. Will the family make it through the war unscathed?

While Kate's life on Brimbles Farm has never been easy, she now has help from land girls Pearl and Ruby. But what will it mean for them all when Kate's brother returns from the war with terrible injuries? And why has pilot Leo, the man she loves, stopped writing?

As ever, the Wartime Bookshop is a source of community and comfort. But disaster is about to strike...

Christmas at the Wartime Bookshop is the third novel in the uplifting Wartime Bookshop series, perfect for fans of Donna Douglas and Elaine Everest.

**The fourth novel, Evacuees at the Wartime Bookshop, is available to pre-order now!**


Real readers are LOVING The Wartime Bookshop series:


'Oh I loved this book... please carry on the good writing'

'Wow what a brilliant start to a new series'

'Outstandingly fabulous, warm and inviting... so glad there is going to be a follow-on'

'I was only two pages in when I knew this would be a 5 star read... I honestly can't put my excitement into words at the thought of reading the next one!'