The Stage Works of Philip Glass
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No. of pages:277 pages
Size:229x152x15 mm
Weight:406 g

The Stage Works of Philip Glass

Publisher: Cambridge University Press
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Short description:

Glass's stage works have attracted wide popular acclaim. This book assesses critical approaches to them and explores Glass's creative philosophy.

Long description:
The Stage Works of Philip Glass is the first publication to exclusively examine Glass's stage works from 1976 to the present day. Glass, who is regularly acclaimed as the most popular living classical composer, created stage works that have had a mesmerizing effect on younger generations. Robert Waters analyses Glass and his music for the theatre in the context of other composers interested in so-called minimalist features. His discussion includes three introductory chapters that address the validity versus invalidity of terms such as minimalism, post-minimalism, postmodernism, and neo-Romanticism, together with a brief overview of Glass's life and works. Waters examines the different types of theatre responsible for Glass's impact, including Robert Wilson's Theater of Images. He sheds light on Glass's philosophy regarding staging, text, and other theatrical components, which includes a defiance of conventional narrative, visual and aural dissociation as a theatrical technique, and deconstructionist concepts.

'... reading the book is not only pertinent but necessary.' Jes&&&250;s Rodr&&&237;guez Lenin, Minimalismore
Table of Contents:
Preface; Background; 1. Introduction; 2. Terminology and Stages of Minimalism; 3. Terminology: Post-Minimalism, Postmodernism, and Neo-Romanticism; 4. Philip Glass's Early Life and Career (1937-1975); STAGE WORKS: 5. Theater; 6. Language and Philosophy; 7. Themes, Genres, and Archetypes; 8. Multimedia and Hybrid Genres; 9. Dance; 10. Music; 11. Critical and Audience Reception; 12. Conclusion; Endnotes; Bibliography.