The Poetics of Angling in Early Modern England

Edition number: 1
Publisher: Routledge
Date of Publication:
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Short description:

Myra Wright takes ecocritical studies on an interdisciplinary turn toward the water with her new research monograph, The Poetics of Angling in Early Modern England. This book aims to instill deep sympathy between the art of angling and the art of writing, and for the centrality of fish in early modern conceptions of humanity.

Long description:
Myra E. Wright takes ecocritical studies on an interdisciplinary turn toward the water with her new research monograph, The Poetics of Angling in Early Modern England. Identifying the lively presence of both literal and metaphorical images of sportfishing in all kinds of early modern writing, this book identifies a deep sympathy between the art of angling and the art of writing, and examines the centrality of fish in early modern conceptions of humanity.
Table of Contents:

List of Figures


Introduction: Facing Fish

1 Home Ecologies in the Treatyse of fysshynge with an Angle

2 Donne?s Fish Biographies

3 The Fishing Lines of John Dennys

4 Shakespeare?s Angling Devices in Antony and Cleopatra

5 The Interrupted Aquatic Hunt in Wroth?s Urania

6 The Quickening of Walton?s Incomplete Angler

Conclusion: Killing and Conservation

