The History of English Law: Centenary Essays on `Pollock and Maitland'
Product details:

No. of pages:300 pages
Size:242x163x28 mm
Weight:1 g
Illustrations: frontispiece, 4 pp plates

The History of English Law

Centenary Essays on `Pollock and Maitland'
Publisher: OUP
Date of Publication:
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GBP 65.00
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31 395 HUF (29 900 HUF + 5% VAT)
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Short description:

The volume is both an important study of late Victorian historiography and a significant reassessment of the early history of English law.

Long description:
Pollock and Maitland's classic The History of English Law before the time of Edward I is perhaps unique amongst late Victorian historical works in remaining the fundamental text on its subject a hundred years later. The current volume gathers leading legal historians to celebrate Maitland's achievement, to analyse his methods, to assess his legacy, and to suggest new directions for research into the history of English law before the reign of Edward I.

John Hudson's book is recommended as an introductory text on English law and dispute resolution up to the early thirteenth century. It is an entirely accessible account which nonetheless assimilates wider perceptions.