The Friendships of John Adams, 1774-1801

The Art of Politics
Edition number: 1
Publisher: Routledge
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Short description:

This book presents the first extended analysis of the friendship network of John Adams, forged during his lengthy public career from 1774-1801.

Long description:

This book presents the first extended analysis of the friendship network of John Adams, forged during his lengthy public career from 1774-1801.


While scholars have considered historic friendships, this monograph examines Adams?s friendship network within a generation of revolutionaries. The six friendships explored exemplify the diversity of political interaction: primary friendship (Abigail), intimate confidence (Rush), political alliance (Gerry), emergent rivalry (Jefferson), the politics of personal difference (Mercy Otis Warren), and idolised revolutionary (Samuel Adams). This work positions friendship at the heart of the historian?s craft; reconstructing historic relationships and considering the evolution of each dyad to examine the tensions, candour, intimacy, and forms of alliance in each. Adams?s impassioned epistles present a window into his private ruminations. John Adams?s expectation of friendship changed at each stage of his career: Through 1774-1801, Adams entreated support from friends, debated issues pertaining to politics, diplomacy, and the national interest, sought comfort from intimates, and lamented divisions from former friends. For John Adams, friendship represented the art of politics.


This volume will be of value to students and scholars alike interested in American history, political history and social and cultural history.

Table of Contents:

Part 1: The Continental Congress, 1774-1778                                                          
1. Abigail Adams, 1774-1778                                                            
2.  Elbridge Gerry, 1777                                                                               
3.  Thomas Jefferson, 1777                                                    
4.  Benjamin Rush, 1777-1778                                                                      
5. Samuel Adams, 1776                                                                                 
6.  Mercy Otis Warren, 1773-1776                                                    

Part 2: Diplomacy, 1778-1788                                                                                  
7. Abigail, 1778-1784                                                                        

8.  Elbridge Gerry, 1778-1785                                                           
9. Thomas Jefferson, 1784-1788                                                                   
10.  Benjamin Rush, 1778-1782                                                                    
11. Samuel Adams, 1778-1784                                                                      

12.  Mercy Otis Warren, 1778-1787                                                  

Part 3: Executive Service, 1788-1801

13. Abigail Adams, 1788-1801                                                          
14. Elbridge Gerry, 1797-1801                                                          
15. Thomas Jefferson, 1791-1801                                                     
16.  Benjamin Rush, 1789-1790                                                                    
17. Samuel Adams, 1790-1791                                                          
18.  Mercy Otis Warren, 1789-1791                                                  