The Elephant and the Bad Baby
Product details:

No. of pages: pages
Size:160x200x20 mm
Weight:412 g

The Elephant and the Bad Baby

Publisher: Puffin
Date of Publication:
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GBP 7.99
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3 859 HUF (3 675 HUF + 5% VAT)
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Long description:

Follow along with the adventures of a giant elephant and a mischievous baby in this timeless picture-book story, illustrated by Raymond Briggs.

When an Elephant meets a Bad Baby and offers them a ride, it's the start of a wild adventure - going 'rumpeta, rumpeta, rumpeta' down the road, and helping themselves to ice creams, lollipops, and all manner of sweet treats.

But as a long line of disgruntled shopkeepers and salespeople begin to follow them, Bad Baby must learn the importance of saying 'please' ? and all the trouble you can get into if you forget . . .

More classic titles from Raymond Briggs:
The Bear
Jim and the Beanstalk
The Snowman - a wordless picture book
Father Christmas
Father Christmas Goes on Holiday