Tetens?s Writings on Method, Language, and Anthropology
Product details:

No. of pages:312 pages
Size:234x156 mm

Tetens?s Writings on Method, Language, and Anthropology

Publisher: Bloomsbury Academic
Date of Publication:
Number of Volumes: Paperback
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Long description:
Containing all of the key writings leading up to the publication of his Philosophical Essays in 1777, this volume presents complete works by Johann Nicolaus Tetens (1736-1807) in English for the very first time. These important essays focus on method in metaphysics and mathematics, the analysis of language, and various anthropological questions that occupied thinkers of the period. Key features of the volume include:

? Accurate, readable translations
? Detailed scholarly notes
? A substantial introduction situating Tetens's works in historical context
? A German-English glossary

This collection marks a significant contribution to scholarship on Kant and 18th-century German philosophy.
Table of Contents:
Part 1. Introduction to the Translation
Courtney D. Fugate, in collaboration with Curtis Sommerlatte
Johann Nicolaus Tetens (1736-1807): An Historical Sketch
Tetens and Kant
Resumé of the Works
Vocabulary and Style
Part 2. The Translations
1. Thoughts on the Influence of the Climate on the Manner of Human Thought (1759)
Translated by Courtney D. Fugate
2. Thoughts on Some Reasons Why There are So Few Settled Truths in Metaphysics (1760)
Translated by Scott Stapleford
3. Letter to . on the Question: Whether the Difference in the Cognitive Abilities and Inclinations of Human Beings has its Ground in an Innate Difference, or in External Circumstances (1761)
Translated by Curtis Sommerlatte
4. On the Difference of Human Beings with Respect to their Chief Inclinations (1762-1763)
Translated by Curtis Sommerlatte
5. On the Principles and Benefits of Etymology (1765-1766)
Translated by Courtney D. Fugate
6. On the Various Benefits of the Domains of Human Knowledge (1765)
Translated by Courtney D. Fugate
7. On the Origin of the Desire for Honor (1766)
Translated by Courtney D. Fugate
8. On the Origin of Languages and Writing (1772)
Translated by Courtney D. Fugate
9. On the General Speculative Philosophy (1775)
Translated by Courtney D. Fugate
Part 3. Ancillary Materials