Strength and Conditioning in Sports: From Science to Practice
Product details:

No. of pages:342 pages
Size:246x174 mm
Weight:820 g
Illustrations: 83 Illustrations, color; 29 Halftones, color; 54 Line drawings, color; 22 Tables, black & white

Strength and Conditioning in Sports

From Science to Practice
Edition number: 1
Publisher: Routledge
Date of Publication:
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Short description:

Strength and Conditioning in Sports: From Science to Practice is unique in that it covers, in a comprehensive manner, both of these areas. This textbook "connects" the mechanism with practical application.

Long description:

A good sport scientist and coach must understand both the underlying mechanisms and the practical application of training principles. Strength and Conditioning in Sports: From Science to Practice is unique in that it covers both of these areas in a comprehensive manner. This textbook "connects" the mechanism with practical application.

Selecting the appropriate training process is paramount to success in competitive sport. A major component of this textbook is the detailed explanations of developing that process from creating an annual plan, selection of the appropriate periodization model and how to program that model.

In application, connecting physiology to performance can be enhanced by using appropriate athlete monitoring techniques. Although there can be overlap, monitoring can be divided into two components: fatigue management and program efficacy. One of the features of this text is the in-depth description of how the monitoring process should take place and how monitoring data can be used in program application.

This exciting new text provides a comprehensive overview of the application of science to sport and will be key reading for undergraduate and postgraduate students of strength and conditioning, athletic training, exercise physiology, human performance, personal training, and other related disciplines of sport science and kinesiology.

Table of Contents:

  1. Neuromuscular Physiology

  2. Bioenergetics

  3. Neuroendocrine Factors

  4. Nutrition and Metabolic Factors

  5. Ergogenic Aids

  6. Physical and Physiological Reponses and Adaptations

  7. General Concepts and Training Principles for Athlete Development

  8. Exercise Selection

  9. Athlete Monitoring

  10. Developing the Training Process