Street Law: Theory and Practice
Product details:

No. of pages:328 pages
Size:270x210 mm
Illustrations: 20 2-colour

Street Law

Theory and Practice
Publisher: Hart Publishing
Date of Publication:
Number of Volumes: Hardback
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Long description:
The first book of its kind published in the UK, Street Law: Theory and Practice is the ideal companion for all students engaging in credit-bearing or non-credit bearing Street Law projects. Highly-accessible and student-focussed, it teaches readers not only how to successfully design, deliver, and reflect on Street Law sessions, but also the theory behind this practice. It covers a full and diverse range of topics, beginning with initial project design and ending at post-project reflection and evaluation, with a host of topics including interactive teaching techniques, ethics and problem-solving in between. Designed to be read chronologically or as standalone chapters, it is the perfect textbook for students at each stage of their Street Law journey.

Including quotes from active Street Law practitioners and coverage of contemporary Street Law topics, such as the housing crisis, the text is a fully up-to-date resource for today's law students. Its original workbook format, including an abundance of reflective questions, activities and prompts, with space included for students to write their responses, ensures every reader develops not only a comprehensive insight of this important form of public legal education, but also their own learning and practice.

The first book of its kind published in the UK, Street Law: Theory and Practice is the ideal companion for all students engaging in credit-bearing or non-credit bearing Street Law projects. Highly-accessible and student-focussed, it teaches readers not only how to successfully design, deliver, and reflect on Street Law sessions, but also the theory behind this practice. It covers a full and diverse range of topics, beginning with initial project design and ending at post-project reflection and evaluation, with a host of topics including interactive teaching techniques, ethics and problem-solving in between. Designed to be read chronologically or as standalone chapters, it is the perfect textbook for students at each stage of their Street Law journey.

Including quotes from active Street Law practitioners and coverage of contemporary Street Law topics, such as the housing crisis, the text is a fully up-to-date resource for today's law students. Its original workbook format, including an abundance of reflective questions, activities and prompts, with space included for students to write their responses, ensures every reader develops not only a comprehensive insight of this important form of public legal education, but also their own learning and practice.
Table of Contents:
Chapter 1: An Introduction to Pro Bono, Clinical Legal Education, Public Legal Education and Street Law
Chapter 2: Teaching: Theory, Practice and the Street Law Approach
Chapter 3: Designing a Street Law Session
Chapter 4: How to Engage Your Participants
Chapter 5: Teamwork
Chapter 6: Feedback and Evaluation
Chapter 7: Ethics and Street Law
Chapter 8: Becoming a Reflective Practitioner
Chapter 9: Troubleshooting Problems in Street Law
Chapter 10: Views from the Field
Chapter 11: Open Practice and Street Law
Chapter 12: Street Law and your Employability
Chapter 13: Where Next for Street Law?
Chapter 14: Resources