Pockets: An Intimate History of How We Keep Things Close
Product details:

No. of pages:320 pages
Size:230x176x26 mm
Weight:775 g


An Intimate History of How We Keep Things Close
Publisher: Algonquin Books
Date of Publication:
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Long description:

Who gets pockets, and why?

It's a subject that stirs up plenty of passion: Why do men's clothes have so many pockets and women's so few? And why are the pockets on women's clothes often too small to fit phones, if they even open at all? In her captivating book, Hannah Carlson, a lecturer in dress history at the Rhode Island School of Design, reveals the issues of gender politics, security, sexuality, power, and privilege tucked inside our pockets.

Throughout the medieval era in Europe, the purse was an almost universal dress feature. But when tailors stitched the first pockets into men's trousers five hundred years ago, it ignited controversy and introduced a range of social issues that we continue to wrestle with today, from concealed pistols to gender inequality. See: