Product details:

No. of pages:350 pages
Size:235x155 mm
Weight:732 g

New Perspectives on Judeo-Spanish and the Linguistic History of the Sephardic Jews

Publisher: BRILL
Date of Publication:
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Short description:

A collection of groundbreaking essays on a crucial area of linguistic and Jewish studies ? the languages of the Sephardic communities and their developments in different historical contexts.

Long description:
At the intersection of Jewish studies and linguistic research, the essays assembled in this book approach the topic of the languages of Sephardic Jews from different perspectives, spanning chronologically from the Middle Ages to the present day. Drawing on diverse sources ? from medical glossaries to inquisition archives, from rabbinic responsa to recordings of today's speakers ? the scholars collaborating on this project have endeavoured to reconstruct fragments of a complex and elusive linguistic reality, which over the centuries has been shaped by the historical experience of its speakers. An innovative collection of rigorously conducted synchronic and diachronic studies that contributes to expanding our knowledge and opening new perspectives on crucial issues, such as the effects of contact on the linguistic structures, the possibility of a norm for polycentric languages, the relationship between the lexicon of a language and the vitality of its speech community.
Table of Contents:
List of Figures

List of Tables

Notes on Contributors


Laura Minervini and Frank Savelsberg

Part 1 Languages and Language Usage of the Jews in Medieval Iberia

1 Old Castilian Words in Hebrew Characters Transmitted in Medico-Botanical Glossaries and Synonym Lists

Gerrit Bos, Guido Mensching and Julia Zwink

2 The Presence of the Hebrew Language and Literature in Inquisitorial Files against Judaizers from Medinaceli (Soria)

Manuel Nevot Navarro

3 Historical Lexicography of Judeo-Spanish and the Diccionario del Espa&&&x00F1;ol Medieval Electr&&&x00F3;nico (DEMel)

Rafael&&&x00A0;D. Arnold

Part 2 The Emergence of a New Language&&&x2014;Variation, Koineization, and Language Contact

4 Forms of Address at the Dawn of Judeo-Spanish

Elisabeth Fern&&&x00E1;ndez Mart&&&x00ED;n

5 Linguistic Variation in the Sephardic Community of Pisa (17th Century)

Jos&&&x00E9;&&&x00A0;Javier Rodr&&&x00ED;guez Toro

6 Loke in Judeo-Spanish

Olga Kellert

7 Language Contact and the Development of Judeo-Spanish Syntax

Susann Fischer

8 On the Influence of German on Judeo-Spanish

Carsten Sinner, Elia Hern&&&x00E1;ndez Socas and Encarnaci&&&x00F3;n Tabares-Plasencia

Part 3 Linguistic Features and Sociolinguistic Perspectives on Present-Day Judeo-Spanish

9 Intonational Patterns in the Last Generation of Native Judeo-Spanish Speakers Born in Turkey: A Preliminary Study

Jos&&&x00E9;&&&x00A0;Ignacio Hualde and Aldina Quintana

10 Vocalic Alternations in Istanbul Judeo-Spanish: A Pilot Study on Semi-Spontaneous Speech Data

Christoph Gabriel, Jonas Gr&&&x00FC;nke and Aldina Quintana

11 Lexical Availability in Contemporary Judeo-Spanish

Crist&&&x00F3;bal&&&x00A0;Jos&&&x00E9; &&&x00C1;lvarez L&&&x00F3;pez

12 Spanish and Judeo-Spanish Today: A Glottopolitical Perspective

Yvette B&&&x00FC;rki
