Lifting: Becoming the World's Strongest Brothers
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No. of pages: pages
Size:240x162x31 mm
Weight:536 g


Becoming the World's Strongest Brothers
Publisher: Ebury Spotlight
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Long description:

When Loch Morlich freezes over, we cut a hole in the ice and jump in.

Tom 'The Albatross' and Luke 'The Highland Oak' Stoltman are the world's strongest brothers. Between them, they've won everything there is to win in the mighty world of Strongman.

Tom can deadlift a 430kg bar to hip height, equivalent to about seven washing machines. Luke isn't far behind. Yet for the Stoltmans, being strong is about more than pure muscle. It's about overcoming adversity. And it's about honouring their biggest fan: their mother, who died in 2016 leaving the family devastated.

They've also transcended the sport, not least through launching the hugely successful online Stoltman Strength Academy. Through it all, they've stayed true to their roots in the Highlands of Scotland, giving back to their community, their family, and each other.

But it wasn't always like this. Back in 2010, Luke worked full time on oil rigs in the North Sea, and Tom was a teenager contending with the challenges posed by his autism. So, how did two lads from Invergordon conquer the world? Simple. They started lifting.

In their autobiography, Tom and Luke Stoltman show you how to lift: how to lift the lid on life with autism. How to lift yourself out of the darkness of bereavement. How to lift the trophy at the World's Strongest Man.