Latin American Soldiers: Armed Forces in the Region's History
Product details:

No. of pages:192 pages
Size:229x152 mm
Weight:276 g
Illustrations: 14 Halftones, black & white

Latin American Soldiers

Armed Forces in the Region's History
Edition number: 1
Publisher: Routledge
Date of Publication:
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Short description:

John R. Bawden introduces the study of soldiers and warfare in Latin American history through narratives of Mexico, Cuba, Brazil, and Chile. Latin American Soldiers identifies major trends that shaped modern Latin America and is an essential text for students of Latin American Studies or History.

Long description:

In this accessible volume, John R. Bawden introduces readers to the study of armed forces in Latin American history through vivid narratives about four very different countries: Mexico, Cuba, Brazil, and Chile.

Latin America has faced many of the challenges common to postcolonial states such as civil war, poorly defined borders, and politically fractured societies. Studying its militaries offers a powerful lens through which to understand major events, eras, and problems. Bawden draws on stories about the men and women who served in conventional armed forces and guerrilla armies to examine the politics and social structure of each country, the state?s evolution, and relationships between soldiers and the global community.

Designed as an introductory text for undergraduates, Latin American Soldiers identifies major concepts, factors, and trends that have shaped modern Latin America. It is an essential text for students of Latin American Studies or History and is particularly useful for students focusing on the military, revolutions, and political history.

Table of Contents:


Chapter 1 ? Introduction

Chapter 2 ? Mexico

Chapter 3 ? Cuba

Chapter 4 ? Brazil

Chapter 5 ? Chile

Chapter 6 ? Latin American Soldiers in Global Perspective

