How Sanctions Work: Iran and the Impact of Economic Warfare
Product details:

No. of pages:212 pages
Size:229x152 mm
Weight:310 g

How Sanctions Work

Iran and the Impact of Economic Warfare
Edition number: 1
Publisher: Stanford University Press
Date of Publication:
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Long description:

Sanctions have enormous consequences. Especially when imposed by a country with the economic influence of the United States, sanctions induce clear shockwaves in both the economy and political culture of the targeted state, and in the everyday lives of citizens. But do economic sanctions induce the behavioral changes intended? Do sanctions work in the way they should?

To answer these questions, the authors of How Sanctions Work highlight Iran, the most sanctioned country in the world. Comprehensive sanctions are meant to induce uprisings or pressures to change the behavior of the ruling establishment, or to weaken its hold on power. But, after four decades, the case of Iran shows the opposite to be true: sanctions strengthened the Iranian state, impoverished its population, increased state repression, and escalated Iran's military posture toward the U.S. and its allies in the region. Instead of offering an 'alternative to war,' sanctions have become a cause of war. Consequently, How Sanctions Work reveals how necessary it is to understand how sanctions really work.

"There is no shortage of publications on the Iran sanctions, but it is rare to see such detailed, serious work on this topic by highly knowledgeable scholars. How Sanctions Work introduces a wealth of information and perspectives not generally found in the existing Western academic literature."?Joy Gordon, author of Invisible War: The United States and the Iraq Sanctions
Table of Contents:
Introduction: The Invisible War

1. When Society Is Sanctioned

2. When Politics Is Sanctioned

3. When Iran Was Sanctioned

4. When an Economy Is Sanctioned

5. What Sanctions Cost the United States

6. What Sanctions Cost Iran?and the World

Conclusion: Permanent Siege