Doctor Who: The Cradle: a 1970s story
Product details:

No. of pages: pages
Size:204x138x18 mm
Weight:226 g

Doctor Who: The Cradle

a 1970s story
Publisher: BBC Children's Books
Date of Publication:
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GBP 12.99
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6 274 HUF (5 975 HUF + 5% VAT)
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5 019 (4 780 HUF + 5% VAT )
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Estimated delivery time: In stock at the publisher, but not at Prospero's office. Delivery time approx. 3-5 weeks.
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Long description:

*Part of the six books for six decades collection*

It is London, 1978, and tensions are high. Seema and her family are struggling, but she has learnt to keep her head down, not create trouble.

That is until she and her two friends, Terrence and Inderjit, decide to join an anti-National Front protest in the East End.

And when trouble does inevitably find them, the friends are saved by the appearance of a mysterious, seemingly broken-down bus.

But inside this bus it is like nothing any of them have ever seen. It is a journey through the most wonderful landscapes, where visions of hopes and dreams envelop the lost group.

Who - or what - is this strange place? The tall, grumpy man with white hair might know the answers, but then he seems just as scared as they are . . .