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Search Term: Topics: Biology, microbiology >> General microbiology, microbial ecology,

Number of matches: 18 985

Biology, microbiology

Ecotoxicology Campbell, Peter G. C.; Hodson, Peter V.; Welbourn, Pamela M.;


Cambridge University Press, 2022
Paperback 21 730 HUF

Strelkauskas' Microbiology: A Clinical Approach Fahnert, Beatrix; Lostroh, Phoebe;

Strelkauskas' Microbiology: A Clinical Approach

Garland Science, 2023
Paperback 26 560 HUF

Biological Science: Exploring the Science of Life Scott, Jon; Cameron, Gus; Goodenough, Anne; Hawkins, Dawn; Koenig, Jenny; Luck, Martin; Papachristodoulou, Despo; Snape, Alison; Yeoman, Kay; Goodwin, Mark;

Biological Science: Exploring the Science of Life

OUP Oxford, 2022
Paperback 31 390 HUF

Human Microanatomy: Cell Tissue and Organ Histology with Celebrity Medical Histories Stricker, Stephen A.;

Human Microanatomy: Cell Tissue and Organ Histology with Celebrity Medical Histories

CRC Press, 2022
Paperback 41 050 HUF

Microbe Swanson, M;


Wiley?Blackwell, 2022
Paperback 43 928 HUF

Dark Matter: The New Science of the Microbiome Kinross, James;

Dark Matter: The New Science of the Microbiome

Penguin Life, 2024
Paperback 5 308 HUF

Case Studies in Infectious Disease Lydyard, Peter; Cole, Michael; Holton, John;

Case Studies in Infectious Disease

CRC Press, 2023
Paperback 24 145 HUF

Molds, Mushrooms, and Medicines: Our Lifelong Relationship with Fungi Money, Nicholas P.;

Molds, Mushrooms, and Medicines: Our Lifelong Relationship with Fungi

Princeton University Press, 2024
Hardback 12 075 HUF

Jaeger, Karl-Erich; Liese, Andreas; Syldatk, Christoph; (ed.)

Introduction to Enzyme Technology

Springer, 2024
Paperback 37 526 HUF

Regulatory Aspects of Gene Therapy and Cell Therapy Products: A Global Perspective Galli, Maria Cristina; (ed.)

Regulatory Aspects of Gene Therapy and Cell Therapy Products: A Global Perspective

Springer, 2023
Hardback 61 810 HUF

Biological Science: Exploring the Science of Life, Biomedical Edition Scott, Jon; Cameron, Gus; Goodenough, Anne; Hawkins, Dawn; Koenig, Jenny; Luck, Martin; Papachristodoulou, Despo; Snape, Alison; Yeoman, Kay; Goodwin, Mark;

Biological Science: Exploring the Science of Life, Biomedical Edition

OUP Oxford, 2022
Paperback 23 662 HUF

Understanding Coronavirus Rabadan, Raul;

Understanding Coronavirus

Cambridge University Press, 2021
Paperback 5 791 HUF

Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology: Emerging concepts in Microbial Technology Verma, Pradeep; (ed.)

Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology: Emerging concepts in Microbial Technology

Springer, 2023
Hardback 97 133 HUF

The Natural History of Viruses: The World Naturalist Andrewes, C.h.;

The Natural History of Viruses: The World Naturalist

W. W. Norton & Company, 2024
Paperback 8 935 HUF

Endophytic Fungi: The Full Story of the Untapped Treasure Abdel Azeem, Ahmed M.; Abdel Azeem, Ahmed M.; Yadav, Ajar Nath;(ed.)

Endophytic Fungi: The Full Story of the Untapped Treasure

Academic Press, 2024
Paperback 63 960 HUF

Kibenge, Frederick S.B.; Kibenge, Frederick S.B.; Godoy, Marcos G; (ed.)

Aquaculture Virology

Academic Press, 2024
Paperback 63 960 HUF

Diagnosis and Analysis of COVID-19 using Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning-Based Techniques Badar, Mohammad Sufian; Badar, Mohammad Sufian; Rezaei, Nima;(ed.)

Diagnosis and Analysis of COVID-19 using Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning-Based Techniques

Academic Press, 2024
Paperback 63 960 HUF

Microbiology: Principles and Explorations, Sixth Edition Desktop Edition

John Wiley & Sons, 2024
Hardback 27 791 HUF

Ozogul, Fatih; Ozogul, Fatih; Rocha, Jo?o Miguel;(ed.)

Handbook of Sourdough Microbiota and Fermentation: Food Safety, Health Benefits, and Product Development

Academic Press, 2024
Paperback 90 783 HUF

Nanostructured Drug Delivery Systems in Infectious Disease Treatment Beg, Sarwar; Beg, Sarwar; Shukla, Rahul;(ed.)

Nanostructured Drug Delivery Systems in Infectious Disease Treatment

Academic Press, 2024
Paperback 63 960 HUF

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