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Search Term: Topics: Linguistics >> Psycholinguistics,

Number of matches: 6 522


Extended Conceptual Metaphor Theory Kövecses, Zoltán;

Extended Conceptual Metaphor Theory

Cambridge University Press, 2020
Hardback 48 300 HUF

Innovations and Challenges in Language Learning Motivation Dörnyei, Zoltán;

Innovations and Challenges in Language Learning Motivation

Routledge, 2020
Paperback 18 349 HUF

The Oxford Handbook of Experimental Syntax Sprouse, Jon; (ed.)

The Oxford Handbook of Experimental Syntax

OUP Oxford, 2023
Hardback 66 412 HUF

The Cambridge Handbook of Childhood Multilingualism Stavans, Anat; Jessner, Ulrike; (ed.)

The Cambridge Handbook of Childhood Multilingualism

Cambridge University Press, 2022
Hardback 60 375 HUF

ELT: The Basics McCarthy, Michael; Walsh, Steve;

ELT: The Basics

Routledge, 2023
Paperback 9 655 HUF

The Power of Language: Multilingualism, Self and Society Marian, Viorica;

The Power of Language: Multilingualism, Self and Society

Pelican, 2024
Paperback 5 308 HUF

The Cambridge Handbook of Intercultural Communication Rings, Guido; Rasinger, Sebastian; (ed.)

The Cambridge Handbook of Intercultural Communication

Cambridge University Press, 2022
Paperback 14 968 HUF

Teaching World Languages with the Five Senses: Practical Strategies and Ideas for Hands-On Learning Porter, Elizabeth;

Teaching World Languages with the Five Senses: Practical Strategies and Ideas for Hands-On Learning

Routledge, 2024
Paperback 13 036 HUF

Language Conflict in Educational Settings: International Perspectives V. Rodriguez, Yliana; Elizaincín, Adolfo; (ed.)

Language Conflict in Educational Settings: International Perspectives

Routledge, 2024
Hardback 65 205 HUF

Özçelik, Öner;

The Phonology of Turkish

OUP Oxford, 2024
Hardback 43 470 HUF

Cognitive Grammar in Stylistics: A Practical Guide Giovanelli, Marcello; Harrison, Chloe;

Cognitive Grammar in Stylistics: A Practical Guide

Bloomsbury Academic, 2024
Hardback 43 470 HUF

Cognitive Grammar in Stylistics: A Practical Guide Giovanelli, Marcello; Harrison, Chloe;

Cognitive Grammar in Stylistics: A Practical Guide

Bloomsbury Academic, 2024
Paperback 14 002 HUF

Barkhuizen, Gary; Benson, Phil; Chik, Alice;

Narrative Inquiry in Language Teaching and Learning Research

Routledge, 2024
Paperback 21 730 HUF

Narrative Inquiry in Language Teaching and Learning Research Barkhuizen, Gary; Benson, Phil; Chik, Alice;

Narrative Inquiry in Language Teaching and Learning Research

Routledge, 2024
Hardback 62 790 HUF

A Hybrid Approach to Teaching Chinese through Digital Humanities, CALL, and Project-Based Learning Chen, Dongdong;

A Hybrid Approach to Teaching Chinese through Digital Humanities, CALL, and Project-Based Learning

Routledge, 2024
Hardback 62 790 HUF

A Hybrid Approach to Teaching Chinese through Digital Humanities, CALL, and Project-Based Learning Chen, Dongdong;

A Hybrid Approach to Teaching Chinese through Digital Humanities, CALL, and Project-Based Learning

Routledge, 2024
Paperback 15 451 HUF

Researching Incidental Vocabulary Learning in a Second Language Feng Teng, Mark; Reynolds, Barry Lee; (ed.)

Researching Incidental Vocabulary Learning in a Second Language

Routledge, 2024
Paperback 17 383 HUF

Researching Incidental Vocabulary Learning in a Second Language Feng Teng, Mark; Reynolds, Barry Lee; (ed.)

Researching Incidental Vocabulary Learning in a Second Language

Routledge, 2024
Hardback 62 790 HUF

Dornbierer-Stuart, Joanna;

The Origins of Language: An Introduction to Evolutionary Linguistics

Palgrave Macmillan, 2024
Paperback 17 657 HUF

Darcy, Isabelle;

Second Language Speech Processing: A Guide to Conducting Experimental Research

Routledge, 2024
Paperback 17 383 HUF

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